
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Mixed Tape

 My outfit Friday night going out to dinner and a play with our friends.....

The inspiration was from last December (2012) issue of In Style magazine:

 I can't believe it has taken me this long to wear this mint green sequined mini skirt. I have about 5-6 different outfit ideas for the skirt but never wore one of them yet until last night. It is really nicely made actually with lining and great details with the gross grain ribbon trim. The denim shirt is also surprising quality, lightweight with just the right distress and cool snap buttons. All from Forever 21!

Denim Shirt, Skirt, Platforms, bracelets - Forever 21
Necklace - Bauble Bar
Purse - Chloe
Bracelet Watch - Ed Hardy

Well during the day it was a blur as I got sick and my daughter is also not doing great. So once again we stayed home and didn't do anything. Forced myself to get up and shower and take the kids to my mom's so we can go out. Dressing up was a disaster as at first I picked an outfit that felt a bit too sexy for a group outing. Then switched to an outfit that my hubby called 'board room' so too conservative. Finally decided on this.  A bit dressed down that I wanted to but the sequins really made it cool I think. 

We met our friends at a steak restaurant where you grill your own steaks which I am not a big fan of but they wanted to try it out. Then we saw the play 'mixed tape' which is a musical caption of the 80's. I wasn't living in U. S. during the 80's but I was still able to relate 80 percent of the material and it was so  fun to remember all the songs, movies and the fashion. We all had a great time.
Then we continued to party by going to a cigar bar (our hubbies choice) but stopped at a bar on the way to dance to a few songs. It was quite fun and I was able to avoid being hung over by stopping at a food truck on our way home and eating two tacos. And sleeping in until 10 AM also helped. Unfortunately though I am still sick. :(

Drinking champagne in sippy coffee cups at the theater!

The taco food truck

The Happiness Project

 We all have been sick again so totally behind in posts.... This was my outfit Thursday. 

Another Redbook July 2013 issue inspiration: 

Cardigan - Gap
White Top - 'pippa' in white by kikaPaprika
Pants, Necklace - Forever 21
Belt - Limited
Purse - Kate Spade
Shoes - Seychelles (from Anthropologie)

We finally decided to venture out. Went to the library for checking out a new stack of books and for story time. Then to a playdate. Afterwards I had dentist appointment and since the kids were with my mom got my nails done.  Then had our bookclub meeting at my friend's house discussing the 'Happiness Project'...

Bookclub meeting and saying good-bye to our dear friend before her move

Watermelon Cake with coconut cream

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Might as well give in

 Trying to come out of hibernation.... Since Saturday afternoon my kids have been running a fever so we have been staying home and staying away from everyone vegging out. We did venture to Costco on Monday and target today but that was about it. Actually both kids willingly have been taking naps during the day! That is telling you something. 

Today's outfit was inspired from Redbook magazine's July 2013 issue. I somehow got subscribed to this  magazine and since I get all the other Fashion magazines I don't read them but decided to really quickly browse and actually got a few cute easy outfit ideas....

Blouse - Lucky
Sweatshirt & Jeans - Forever 21
Shoes & Purse - Shoedazzle
Necklaces - Baublebar