
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Straw Fedora

Since today was again an overcast day and last night I was freezing in my short outfit decided to dress warmer today. Unfortunately all that is left in my outfit combo list is short outfits this had to be put together adhoc. Even though this tee is pretty cute with just jeans it was too boring. I added this super cool straw fedora I saw in mom's hat ract and thought it brought the whole outfit together. My husband brought all my fashion magazines and I was reading the June/July issue of People style watch and saw a whole page on straw fedora and cowboy hats being in style. It was great that she had this hat. I love this tee as well. Other than being stripes which is totally in style it has this 'I heart IST' wording on it with silver studs. IST stands for 'Istanbul'. In the afternoon I added more accessories to the outfit. Tied the hand made crochet red necklace as a bracelet around my silver watch. And wore simple silver hoop earings. On the other arm was a charm bracelet my husband brought for mother's day gift that has my kids names and birth dates engraved. Will take a photo of that on another day.

Thought this rusty door was a cool background but might be a looking a little to rundown.

Straw Fedora Hat - Mom's
Striped Tee - LC Waikiki from Turkey
Skinny blue jeans - Forever 21
Slip on converses -

Today's Activities: Too overcast and cool for the beach so took the kids for a stroll instead and played with some new toys at home. After lunch and naps my uncle and cousin came to visit. When the kids woke up we went to a relative's house and played in the playground etc.. in the afternoon. Was home at night for a quiet evening.


  1. Love the striped shirt and it's slouchiness

  2. I came across your blog when I was searching for a mommy fashion website. Love it here. Will be back for more.
    I am a first time mommy and blogger. Please stop by and give me some tips at


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