
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ah to be young again

I feel today's outfit is more suited for someone in their early twenties or very late teens but I like it and am wearing it anyway. Initially the combo included my juicy boots and different accessories but I wanted to wear these cute and fun strawberry earings a gift from my mom. They gave it a cute and fun feel. To go with that added converses underneath which is what makes the whole outfit even younger. To add even more of that eighties color went with a yellow watch. I have to admit at night I did switch to my juicy boots for a more bar look but kept the earings. I had tripod challange today for some reason could not get the angle right to include my entire body in a good shot. So these are somewhat random and not very good. Oh well... Also skipped a day since our monthly internet package had ended and apparently in Turkey like with all utility bills you have to go and pay it in person to get your second month loaded. So, finally got connected again.

Tie print shirt with a detachable black vest - From Turkey (Vena)
Pink full skirt - Victoria's Secret
Wood hot pink strawberry shaped earings - Fro Turkey (Evita)
Slip on converses with painted ties -
Yellow Watch - Forever 21 (Mom's)

Today's Activities: Was too lazy to pack and up go to the beach this morning so filled up the tiny pool and had the kids play on the front lawn. Then my uncle took out his battery set and the kids had a blast making music and dancing which got them tired enough for naps. I now always sleep when they sleep. That is the only way I can keep up with this culture of stayin up until past 2 AM and waking up by 9 AM. That one hour nap keeps me going. We then went to the beach. Although it was sunny it was also very windy and not that warm. I still had to go in the water of course since the kids are immune to cold and want to swim non stop. It has become increasingly difficult to handle them both by myself. My son wants to swim out to the deep waters so he can climb up the pier stairs and jump in (over and over and over). My daughter wants to stay in the shallow end but wants me to hold her hand so she can lower and raise herself in the water and splash. I try to convince them to take turns and eventually leave my daughter with who ever has come with me to swim out with my son. But if I did go alone I am not sure how I would do this.
After beach the kids and us had an early dinner. Then left the with the nanny/housekeeper and went to run errands (as in pay our second month of internet connection). Came in time to read my son his bedtime books and put them to bed. Then went out again with my mom and aunt for a drink by the water and a late night sandwich (kumru) snack.

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