
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Coral not red

I loved this combo when I came up with it and put it on my list. It just hasn't been the right weather to ever wear it. Today was one of those weird days, one minute sunny and hot, the other sunny and chilly and then totally overcast and cold. So, it worked and I never needed a cardigan. These capri pants are soooo old. I had them for nearly 9 years. Bought them at a full price from Bebe but wore them all the time the first few years. Then it was in the closet forever. I wish they had more tapered legs for this outfit but loved that they were mid rise and that low rise cause it allowed me to cynch the belt right at my waist which I think looks great. Now, adding red to black and white and stripes is nothing new. But, this is coral not red and I think that makes it a bit more subtle and interesting. Love how this belt and the necklace totally match. That was total coincidence when I purchased them. Again did not really wear these shoes during the day but wore my similar looking ankle cuff flat sandals instead. For jewelry went very minimal with just the all black watch and the big black rose ring.

All photos taken by my stepdad in front of their front yard...Mom is a true gardener.

Black and white striped top - from Turkey
Black capri pants - Bebe
Coral woven belt - Anthropologie
Coral bead necklace - Charlotte Russe
Peep toe lace up boots - Juicy Couture (from Zappos)
Watch - from Turkey
Ring - F21

Today's Activities: Wow, posting actually on the same day. My husband left in the morning to go to a charger game with for his friend's b-day. I picked up my mom and with the kids went to an art festival in Coronado. I love exposing the kids to art. They get to see statues, pottery, paintings and furniture. We pick out all the animal, food and shapes they would recognize and talk about them. They also got to make hat art from paper bags but then of course refused to wear them. Tried to get them to nap in the stroller with no luck this time. Went to La Jolla and left daughter with my mom while I took my son to a Jr theater play called 'Pinkalicious'. It was a kid play but apparently it was seen as a girl play as my son was the only male kid in the audience. Of course he loved it as it was a musical and it was a tiny theater so they were dancing and acting right in front of us. He actually used his inside voice to ask me what was going on at times I was so proud of him. Afterwards we met my stepdad, sister and cousins and went to Pacific beach to walk on the boardwalk. Kids had fun time playing in the sand and walking on the boardwalk high wall. We had vietnemase for dinner near the house before heading home for a much needed bath.

Here is a group shot on boardwalk:
My mom, son, me, cousin, sister, daughter, step dad and cousin in-law.


  1. You llok the coral touches:)

    Have a Fantastic Day!!!
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  2. Sounds like fun. I would love to take my son to a play! Though I think he is still too little!

    Love your belt. And your boots! Wow, I adore them!

    heart: miss furnellie

  3. Love the pop of coral- always love black and white horizontal stripes for that European flair!

  4. ooo very cool color combo! I know what you mean, those days where the weather is so weird..not a fan of those.. but your outfit looks perfect for it!
    ps. gawwwwwsh those shoes are killlerrrr!!!!

  5. Love the uber wide belt! I totally need to get one!

  6. Just found your blog and you are fabulous! Love the look :)

  7. The lace-up boots are genius with the cropped pants! I'm going to have to keep this idea in mind...


Love to hear your thoughts...