
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ruffle Boots

Love today's combo because it combines some very very old pieces in my closet with some new ones. These cream colored boots are super old. They are from the Newport News catalog among the very few pairs they sell that is actually real leather. I bought them but hardly wore them because at the time boot cut jeans were in style and these do not look great if the ruffles are covered under pant legs. They were totally meant to be worn like this over leggings or skinny jeans so you can see the cute ruffles. And this purse is a classic Dooney & Burke style. I knew it would eventually be in style again (or a vintage collector's item in time) so I kept it. It goes great with the boots and small enough to use as a wallet purse for a day. The thin denim shirt is a summer purchase from Turkey. It sure can use some ironning. I didn't realize it was this wrinkled until I put it on and it was too late. This shirt is great. It is very comfy and yet slim fitting so I can wear it untucked without looking bulky like my old denim shirts. The denim leggings are my newest purchase. I was looking for a pair and was totally willing to get a cheap one from F21 but then found these at Guess sales rack 50% off the sale price. Then as I was paying for them the cashier said I had a $15 credit in my guess loyalty card so they came out to be $16 which was awesome. Since they are super dark it was great to pair with the ligh colored shirt for a 'denim on denim' look.

Denim Shirt - from Turkey
Denim Leggings- Guess
Purse - Dooney & Burke
Cream leather ruffle boots - Newport News
Glass black and blue ring - gift from a family friend
Watch - Bulova
Bracelet - gift from husband

Today's Activities: Took the kids to the mommy and me preschool class. So funny to see my daughter imititating all the older kids and trying to do everything they do. I cooked again while they napped and after they woke up and had snacks we went to a trial gymboree class for my daughter's age for a change. As I suspected though she is so used to attending older classes that she didn't enjoy that much being with just her peers. It still killed one hour and allowed them to burn a lot of energy playing there. Did a quick shopping trip to Target (next door) then came home for dinner with husband and my dad. I did wear these heels by the way all day as they are pretty comfy and I didn't have that much walking to do.


  1. CUTE little ruffle boots....and of course, Im totally loving your bag!!!!

    Statements in Fashion Blog

  2. I just ordered a fabulous cape/jacket from Newport News. They've totally been an untapped resources for me!

  3. Sounds like a super fun day! And I just adore those boots. What a great outfit!

    heart: miss furnellie

  4. I'm a ruffle lover, too - OBSESSED with ruffles, bows and good fashion!


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