
Friday, October 15, 2010


I am loving my outfit today. Can't you see how happy I am when the weather is cooporating and staying somewhat cool enough at least for me to wear my 'fall' outfits. I put this together when I bought the cardigan from Forever 21 ($13.50!!!). I immediately thought it would look perfect with this blue striped button down. My sister wasn't a beleiver till she saw it all together. I just got these oxford's online. See, before I became a blogger I would have paired the cardi with a black shirt and woudl have worn red or black shoes to match. Now just all you other bloggers out there I look and crave contrasts and unusual combinations. So, these white/grey oxfords were perfect picking the light part of the button down. They have a slight gold glitter on them which allowed me to play that up with this vintage looking broche. Everyone kept asking if it was a hand me down from family. I don't remember where I got it but it was inexpensive. I had bought this way back when pins were in style. Collected about 4 of them and glad they can be worn again. I love adding the pin instead of any other jewelry. It gives the outfit just the right amount of feminine quality.  Oh, never talked about the hat. Found this the other day when I was reaching for some old evening shoes to try out. I love this hat. It is soft and comfy and you can fold it flat and it just gets its shape back. I wore this casual or dressy for years than kind of forgot about it. Today had that light annoying rain so it was perfect to cover up at least part of my hair.

Black striped dark red cardigan - Forever 21 (new)
Blue and white striped button down shirt - From Turkey
Skinny dark grey jeans - Closet (old)
Broche - don't remember where I got it (old)
Hat - Donney & Burke (old)
Oxfords - Forever 21 online (new)
Tortoise and gold watch - Michael Kors

Today's Activities: Since we missed Wednesday's preschool class we went to make up one today. My daughter was driving me crazy getting into everything more than usual. She was covered with markers from head to toe. Came home to another daughter napping, son not so much kind of day. At least he did stay in his room and read books. We then ran errands of costco shopping, coming back to put everything in fridge/freezer followed by dry cleaners and finally ending up at my mom and step dad's house for dinner. My mom's cousins are in town so it was fun having a big family dinner.

Here are some shots where kids are getting involved... ;)


  1. That is so cool because I feel the same way about reading other fashion blogs and seeing new ways of creating outfits and they are totally different to how I would usually do it. Very inspriring. Very preppy casual look there! YAY for cooler weather over there... my summery skirts and florals are still waiting anxiously in my closet though.

  2. LOVE the cardi and cute hat!!!

    Stop by and say Hello ♥
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  3. OOK... I am just so excited to have found your blog! I think we are kindred spirits, you and I. I LOVE fashion (always have) and now I try to incorporate that into my every day, mommy world!

    You are adorable - and fab blog!

    Stop by mine sometime ~ I love to remind my mommies that being fabulous does not have to stop once we answer to the name "mom!" Remembering what's truly important (the love surrounding us) and not forgetting to cherish ourselves and our feminine wiles at the same time!

    I'm all about mixing designer with great (money saving!) vintage/thrift finds, as seen here, here, and here. I hope I can bring some inspiration to the ladies with the best job in the world... Would love to see you there!


    November Grey


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