
Monday, October 4, 2010

Kicking Back

I was inspired for this look when I saw this photo below:

I even tried her pose (see below)... This was actually part of an article of a new boutique or something like that. It was a tiny corner photo.  It is a simple look but it reminded me of this brown paisley sheer top that has been sitting in my closet for quite some time now so I was excited. The top feels a bit cropped though when you move a lot such as I do when I am with two kids under 4. SoI wore my super long tunic lenght lace trim tank top underneath and wore a skinny belt to hold up the low rise jeans and I was very comfy all day long. Cause there is nothing more annoying that pulling up your pants and pulling down your top constantly. You know me I am always excited when I get to make new combinations with stuff I already own. Little photos like these inspire and remind me of my own clothes. I added the leather and bronze coin necklace and the burgandy bronze beaded bracelet set my good friend has hand made for me on my b-day.

 shots taken in my living room...actually in the corner that seprates the dining room from living room. It was rainy today so inside was best for photos.

Floral sheer top - Newport News Catalog (super old)
Skinny Jeans - Forever 21 (last year)
Necklace - From Turkey
Bracelets - gift
Boots - Steve Madden (new)

Today's Activities: It was so much easier to get out the door with both my in-laws helping out. Went to school stress free and on-time. Turned in our lion art and got a lot of admirers. Although the kids were a little more clingy than usual the school went fine. Of course the day I scheduled a prof photo shoot for the kids would be the day my son did not nap and my daughter woke up totally cranky, clingy and crying. The photo shoot was not that great. My son's photos came out OK but my daughter's shots and their joint shots were not so great. I didn't buy the images just a few sheets of prints so can't share here. We had plans to eat dinner out but my daughter was so upset that we didn't dare set foot in a restaurant and just bought some take out KFC and came home. Amazingly fried chicken totally cured her and she went back to her normal happy self after dinner. Go figure.   


  1. WHat a beautiful blouse!!! Love it with the boots and the jewelry is spot on:)

    Great pose too!!

    Enter my Wendy Hammer Designs Purse Giveaway♥
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  2. What an aweeesome photo DO look sooooo much like your inspiration..I had to take a second look! Lookin' HOTTTTT!!!
    xoThe Beckerman Girls

  3. Hi Daphne!

    LOVE the outfit!

    Thanks for checking out my shop and entering the giveaway contest at Statements in Fashion!


  4. Those boots are so fun! Most of the time I end up having to take my photos in my house. I always do them late at night for some reason.

  5. I think you did great with the outfit!:D

    KFC is always good!:D

    I am your newest follower!:D

    ***** Marie *****


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