
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chic Inspired

So, today's combo was inspired by the chictopia post by the lovely Panama. Since I had a similar jacket I figurd by adding the fur collar a similar graphic tee and rugged boots. Not a bad copy right?

I don't have an as crazy tee but figured my grey one with a girl profile graphic would do. I actually love the grey under the military green and touch of red is nice.

Finally today it was actually cold enough to wear this fur collar the entire time. I even wore a coat on top if you can beleive it.

Husband getting snap happy...

So, I bought this hat years ago for a New Year's Eve party that was 'wear a hat' theme. It is soft suede like material and large enough where I could tuck my entire hair in it. Which I needed to since it was rainning today and didn't want my hair to get frizzy. By the way faux fur does not fair that well in the rain. Just f.y.i.


Here are the rugged boots:

Not sure what that black spot is. Lint? Water mark? So annoying... By the way this jacket was made to be warn buttoned up. But I wanted my tee to show so I just folded the lapel and buttoned it to the decorative buttons on the same side. And Viola! Problem solved. Don't you wish all life problems were this frivioulous?

Green Military Jacket - Romeo & Juliet from TJ Maxx
Blue skinny jeans - Forever 21
Grey tee - from Turkey
Faux fur collar - Forever 21
Rugged lace up flat boots - Steve Madden
hat - thrifted
watch - from Turkey

Today's Activities: Woke up to pouring rain (the forecast had said it would rain late afternoon) and we had already promised my son the zoo today. So, of course the whole time he kept telling us how we can wear our rain boots, take umberellas and we could totaly go. We didn't have the heart to say no so we went anyway. The rain never stopped. We saw every animal that you can see in a covered enclosure but there aren't any. Then we went to the best pizza place (a hole in the wall) - Bronx pizza - for lunch. After a whole family nap we packed up the kids bags and my hubby took them to Grandma's. We enjoyed an afternoon of relaxing (and 4 loads of laundry). Then got ready for our big night... The post of that will follow sometime tomorrow...

Here is my daughter in the rain with her new tinkerbell hat and umberella...

Here is my son being silly. His idea of a pose is his tounge out I guess...

And this I couldn't pass up sharing the Orangutans cuddling under a sack in the rain. Just priceless!!!


  1. Chic is RIGHT on sister!! Love the boots and hat!! too cute!!

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my Spotted Moth Giveaway♥

  2. That Orangutan photo is adorable.

  3. Fabulous work. Looks great. Those boots are to-die, and your daughter reminds me a little of mine in spirit... sometimes so serious. :)


    November Grey

    Stop by for beautiful $50 necklace giveaway!

  4. Your outfit version is nice.:D

    Loving that photo of your daughter and cute umbrella!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  5. YOu're really great at finding inspirations! I hope I am as good as you with dressing up. I love your style. You and your children are all fashionistas. They're so cute. I saw your other posts with preschool events. My daughter is starting preschool in less than two months and I'm not sure if I am excited or anxious. Hopefully, she will like it.

  6. great pieces you're wearing!!

    (new post: Venice for a Day & follow me)

  7. i love this look! looks casual, cute and chic! love the boots.

  8. You've done a great copy look! I like yours better.
    And thanks for sharing your family traditions! I love them all. I have to get something organised for an advent calendar. :)

  9. Love the copycat look - you totally rock the attitude in the first pic!

    Your kids are too cute with their rain gear. :)


Love to hear your thoughts...