
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lost Again

So wore this tee and scarf before in summer with navy shorts and sandals already. Winterizing it with skinny jeans, boots and my very old teal velvet jacket.

 The photo shoot took place at the 'park'n'ride' parking lot as we were waiting to meet our friends before driving to legoland.

These are my flat not so tall leather boots. They have a very cute lace up design in the back which I did not photograph of course. They were just a good choice for walking all day.

This scarf's colors really goes great with the colors of the graphic on the tee. They both have great colors like pink, lavendar, teal, purple and orange.  I also added a delicate pin on the lapel of the jacket but you don't see it in any photos except here:

Here are the accessories. I double wrapped my 3 strand necklace and wore it as a bracelet. With the purples and greens it goes nicely with the outfit. The marbled turqoise ring was a great match as well.

Of course the weather warmed up quickly midday and I was in this get-up most of the time:

Here is a closeup of the scarf and the tee

Teal velvet Jacket - Forever 21
'Lost' Tee - Target
Grey Skinny jeans - Closet
Boots - can't remember...
Necklace (worn as bracelet) - Ross Simmons catalog (gift from mom& step dad)
Ring - from Turkey
Scarf - from Turkey (from Mom)

Saturday's Activities: Went to Legoland all day with our friends who have annual passes and had free guest passes for us to use. Legoland is the only park in SD we do not have annual passes to. It is more geared towards older kids. Our 3+ year olds can get on half the rides already but really it would be most utilized by kids 5 and up. The little ones could only get on 1 or 2 rides. Very strict (somewhat stupid) height requirements. They have ton of free play areas though so great place for kids to burn energy. When we came back I was in sheer exhaustion. I went to bed right after kids did at 8 PM and slept until 6 AM! 10 hours of sleep. I needed that so bad.

Here we are with our friend on the 'fairy tale boat ride'

My son in the mouth of a lego lion (you know he is obsessed with lions)... 

Here is the family trying to jump on the circles that makes the lego musical instruments behind us squirt water


  1. I love this casual outfit...I hardly own any t-shirts...and I really wish I did...but they're not something I ever look for in stores...but they always look great in everyone elses outfits!

  2. I've been wanting to take the dude to legoland. I bet the kiddos go crazy over it! Love that scarf!

  3. Hate when that happens. I often dress warm because it is chilly in the morning, but I'm greeted by sunny skies when I get to work. So...I have to crank up the ac!

  4. I can't wait till Peanut is old enough to go to legoland! You look great - casual chic. :)

  5. looks like you guys had a fun time in lego land. I love how you jazzed up a simple jeans and tee outfit with the scarf and blazer. it's getting pretty chilly in nyc, so i can borrow some of that warm weather from you.



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