
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Photo Shoot Day

Today was our family photo shoot. Originally it was schedule at my dad's request to do a big family portrait for his holiday cars. However, my husband said we are not doing another photo shoot so we sneaked in a few shots for just our family of 4 for our cards. Won't get the photos till dec 3rd so you will need to wait. We all did jeans with black, red or white tops. I of course wore this pattern. :) My son was so cute though. Dressed him in distressed jeans, white button down with sleeves rolled up a bit, red and black tie, topped with a velvet vest and motorcycle boots to finish it off. Wish I had snapped a photo with my camera but after an hour of photo shoot he was done.

I thrifted this express zebra print cardigan. It is quite worn but love its cut and color.

Sucks to do shots at night. These were in the mall food court (almost all San Diego malls are outdoors). This cute lion was in the window of a nearby store (not sure which)....

I love the look of these mile high platforms with thick black socks. Don't you?

Zebra print cardigan - Express (thrifted)
Long black jersey top - Victoria's secret catalog
red scarf - Forever 21
Blue skinny jeans - Forever 21
Black platforms - Newport News Catalog

Before I talk about my day you have to check out my mom's outfit today. Total perfection of mixing patterns and very cool colors. Sorry for the horrible lighting though, took these in TJ Maxx and just horrible yellow light... 

Today's Activities: My son and hubby went out to get bagels this morning while I cuddled with my daugther and read 3 books in her room. It was so nice. After breakfast we tackled hanging our outdoor xmas lights as a family. My son and daughter handed me the strips of tape my husband would cut so I can secure the strands. Had to leave it half done though as we were short of extenstion cords (and in my mind not enough lights or decorations). My brother and sister-in-law took my son to see Tangled while I took my daughter to big lots for decoration shopping. My husband enjoyed a few hours of bliss at home. Went a bit overboard and bought two reindeers, a snowman and lot and lots of lights. Spent the whole nap time installing my new purchases with a lot of grumping from the hubby. Kids of course love them. After naps we got ready for our photo shoot and headed to the mall. My son had had enough after half hour and was quite difficult to finish the shoot. My daughter did OK but she wouldn't smile. She is pretty much faking a funny (but cute) face in every photo. Afterwards we didn't have time for anything but the food court. Which was fine. My son took two sets of family members twice to the new disney store. He might be finalizing his gift choice from Santa.

Still in the process of decorating but here are some random sections I finished...

Living room mantel 
Went with all silver and white theme by gathering everything I own in that color scheme. The clock, the lamp and the cyrstal ball are all normal decorations. The glass container holding the white balls is my crystal ice bucket.

This is my collection of holiday frames. Bought the first one (most left) for my son's first santa visit. The photo of him looking at the santa was priceless. Made the second one for my daughter's first santa photo. Then bought the rest and obviously have not put any photos in them yet. Will do in couple of weeks.

This is the living room window. I had purchased these colored lights for my son's tree last year but the white cord was horrible on a green tree so they were left over. They fit perfectly for the window. To compliment the multi colors added the ornament window decals I have had for 8 years now! 


  1. I am in LOVE with that cardigan! And thrifted, holy cow!

    Your mom's outfit is pretty fantastic too!

    I can't wait to see the pictures once you have them back. I'm sure they're adorable! We're not having ours taken until the 5th - apparently we like to procrastinate.

  2. i loooooooooove your cardigan! its beautiful!!!

  3. I see you get your fashion genes from your mother!
    This outfit is sooo cute...and I LOVE those platforms!!!

  4. We're doing our family photo shoot tomorrow! And funnily enough...I'm wearing an animal print! Leopard!

  5. once again: amazing mom! so stylish!

    gotta love those family photos. you look cute in black and white animal print and red!

  6. İ love the zebra cardigan with red scarf! House looks very cool with Christmas decorations. Can t wait for the family photos!

  7. you are one sexy mama! and no wonder...look at your mother, she's gorgeous too!


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