
Friday, November 5, 2010

Taupe Bunny

At this point I am pretty much ignoring the scorching weather. I am wearing fall clothes regardless. OK, so I didn't wear the tights or the wedges until close to sunset but in the evening they were OK. This gold striped thermal top is a post pregnancy purchase to dress up terry yoga pants. I like it is understated look with this very furry outfit.

Here is the faux fur belt I bought (in dead summer) in Turkey. This was before I had any access to fall fashion magazines so somehow I guessed that fur would be in... I realize it looks a bit weird since it is so thick right around my hips but since I have super narrow hips I like the bulk it adds....

And my faux fur trimmed new wedge booties. Absolutely love these. Love the oatmeal/taupe color that will pretty much go with everything. The same tone fur trim is removable for spring wear. My ankles are the skinniest part of my legs and I love how these add so much chunk right there. And I had never owned wedges before, they are quite comfy even when toting kids around. The taupe thick knit tights are also really cool.

I added the animal print scarf to cover the low neckline a bit and to introduce another print and dark browns to the outfit. 

I love this long owl charm necklace. It was like $4.50 from Forever 21 of course. Ordered it online and it was bigger than I thought but just goes great with these colors. And gives something for my kids to talk about.

The tweed shorts are a winter purchase from a few years ago. They have a hint of gold in the plaid design and are thick wool and lined.

My husband told me to hold the basketball since I was standing in front of his hoop.

Thermal gold striped top - Victoria's Secret Catalog (old)
Tweed Shorts - Forever 21 (old)
Faux Fur belt - From Turkey (summer 2010)
Taupe tights and owl charm - forever 21 (new)
animal print crinkled schiffon scarf - TJ Maxx (new)
Wedge Booties - Victoria's Secret Catalog (new)

And here is my son crying because we won't put in his Lion King DVD (for the millionth time) right before we have to leave the house...

Today's Activities: Oh, it was so odd to wake up to a super quiet house (the kids spent the night at my mom's and stepdad's). We enjoyed a quiet breakfast where I actually watched Private Practice from 2 weeks ago while folding laundry. Having the TV to ourselves in the morning is unheard of. I then started in a mad rush to get everything done before I pick up the kids. Washed/masked and dried my hair, paid bills, organized our office, posted november events on our calendar and purchased tickets to some upcoming events like 'Breakfast with Santa' and 'The Grinch who stole Christmas play' and sent and replied to ton of emails, updated my facebook profile (I never go there) and finally rushed out to get my nails done before going to my mom's. Picked up the kids came home and unpacked their bags and made cookies for the preschool PJ party we won't be attending but I had already committed to. When hubby came home quickly took these shots and left to drop off the cookies at preschool than a fast dinner at Baja Fresh before going to my brother's for hte big 'revealing of the baby's sex' ceremony. We cut the choclate cake my sister-in-law baked to discover the color of the frosting which told us the sex of the baby. Can't say it yet as they have more family to tell but everyone was so happy.


  1. Hi! Daphe, your outfit is super modern and I particularly like the wedges.So fashion forward!!!I also like your sweater,simple and versatile.

  2. You look unbelievably amazing! I am seriously in love with this look. Those wedges are killer - I think I need them. Now.

    I love the pic with your son - there's never a break in Mommyland! :) Shorts are the perfect mommy skirt - you can get on the ground with your kids and not worry about anything!

  3. LOVE all the look fabulous hunnie...cute pics:)

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  5. i love the outfit, but those shoes are sooooo amazing!!!! the color, the faux fur trim, the wedge heel - everything about them is perfect.

    So you set the faux fur trend after buying that belt in Turkey!


Love to hear your thoughts...