
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Lace

So, this is what I wore today for Thanksgiving. I went through a lot of different choices but figured I wanted to wear this combo as there probably wouldn't be a better opportunity to do so vs some of the others I was contemplating.

This vintage lace blouse is my mom's. She purchased it recently but told me to wear it a little first. And of course the black leather pants are hers as well. They are also very old, hence the super high waist which you don't really see. They are leather in the front and strech in the back so very comfy.

Barrowed the pearly necklace from my sister.

Photos taken on my brother and sistern-in-law's deck. Overlooking downtown San Diego.

The sequined platforms again. Love these shoes. And look how high those heels look sideways. They have a really high platform so it does not feel this high. I wore nude fishnet knee highs. I just get too cold to go barefoot.

Lace Blouse - Vintage (Mom's)
Black Leather pants - Vintage (Mom's)
Black platforms - Newport News Catalog
Silk white tank (worn under lace blouse) - Newport News Catalog
Fishnet knee highs - TJ Maxx
Necklace and cuffs - Forever 21

Today's Activities: Spent the whole day at my Brother's and Sister-in-law's. Joined by my dad (who is also my brother's dad), my mother (who is not related to my brother), step dad, my sister (again not related to my brother but we share the same mother) and of course husband and the kids. They also had his best friend who is visiting out town, my dad's ex girlfriend's son, as well as 4 sailors who did not have a place to go that work for my brother (he is in the Navy). So, in case you were totally confused by my family ties, here is the deal. My dad has been divorced twice and is now single. My mother is on her third marriage. I am an only child from my own mom and dad. I have a sister from my mom's 2nd marriage and a brother from my dad's 2nd marriage. My brother and sister are a year apart and have absolutely no blood relation to each other. Cool, huh? After years we now always get together on holidays and become one big family. To go even further on our casual holiday parties we tend to also invite all of my dad's ex girlfriends which we love and both mine and my husbands first marriage spouses and their families. We are just that kind of people. Odd I know.
I am pretty sure the sailors never figured out all these complicated family ties and were probably not understanding what we were saying half the time since we tend to speak a lot of Turkish when together.
Great day though with everyone. My daughter napped there and my son rested while my mom fell a sleep next to him. :) We then played games and most watched football (me not a big fan).
Came home to devour leftovers we took with us and gave the kids a much needed bath and settled in for a quiet night.


  1. haha...yes your family is quite confusing...but that's great that everyone gets together...and obviously gets along!
    Those shoes are fabulous!!

  2. love the idea of not so traditional family it is so interesting. You guys are just like the modern family show and all you need is a gay couple!
    Love the combination of leather and lace. İf the pant wasnt hıgh waisted you couldnt see the pretty lace at the bottom of the peplum jacket so it really worked. And yes those shoes are soo cool. Hey İ have a Newport news 30% off coupon code 524 and a free shipping code L54 if you want to purchase from Newport news on line today and next three days.

  3. Leather and lace is where its look amazing:)

    Stop by and say Hello♥

    Enter my Spotted Moth Giveaway♥

  4. oh, daphne, i love black leather and lace on you!
    you look FABULOUS!


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