
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wild Purple

Another outfit I love today. Below was my inspiration:

You are probably thinking what is this got to do with her outfit? But, as I had explained sometimes it is not the whole outfit that inspires but certain little things. This time it was the idea of silver/black print with purple. And since I had already owned leggings with a print in those colors and a purple sweater it was instant attraction. Cause I am all about coming up with new ideas to wear my existing clothes.

Doesn't it just scream like a blog worthy combo? I think so. I now love wearing outfits that stand out. That immediately makes people wonder either 'what was she thinking?" (hey, taste is subjective) or 'wonder how she came up with it?'...  

I got these leggings early in the seaons. Something about them attracted me. I realize they are the perfect going dancing/clubbing leggings with high blatforms and a silky cami type top but given the fact that my nights are NOT spent in clubs I had to come up with casual ways to wear them.

Came the purple sweater. This is very thin but still wool so I wore a purple tee (you can't even tell) in case it gets super hot and I need to shed layers. 

As I was leaving the house at 7:20 AM this morning to go to my dentist appt, I stood in front of my husband for comments. He looked at me up and down and said three sentences:
1. I see.
2. you have xmas ornaments on your jacket (he means shawl)
3. Perfect outfit for a root canal
to #3 I had to laugh. :)

I found one other color beside black that looks OK on me when it comes to this style hat. I could have worn my black one but felt this looked softer.

Here is a closeup: 

This necklace adds just the right touch of bling. I also had a necklace like the model's in the inspiration photo but her outfit is dressy so wanted to keep it lighter for day time. 

Added couple cuffs and my big onyx ring as accessories: 

As you can see in all the other photos the boots NEVER stay up over the knee like this. It is super annoying: 

Since it was 40 degrees this morning (later warms up to high 60s, got to love San Diego) I added this shawl. This is the debut of the shawl I thrifted last month from my mom's favorite thift store right by her house. It was $10. It is very soft and check out the ombre coloring. And the pompoms are super cute.

I am twirling:

Animal print silver/grey leggings - Closet
Purple sweater - Gap
Purple Shawl - thrifted
Suede boots - Steve Madden
Cuffs & Neklace & Hat - Forever 21
Onyx ring - from Turkey

Today's Activities: What a morning. Spent 3 hours at the dentist office getting a root canal. My jaw is still sore from keeping it wide open for 3 hours straight. This is my 2nd root canal. I hate them.
Came home as Mom said the kids can nap at her house and paid the bills and cleaned up. Went to my mom's to pick them up in the afternoon. Went to the indoor play place we go to for a 'Tea Party' event. They were though to hold their cups properly and eat politely etc... After dinner and got them ready for bed and put my daughter down, I left my son with my husband went to meet my girlfriend for some asian milk tea and chatted for couple hours.

Here are the kids at the tea party:

Holding their tea cups properly:

Eating their cookies one bite at a time: 


  1. Got to love that onyx ring! Wow.

  2. That's a great post! I like how you look totaly different from post to post!Great outfit,I've got a thing for hats so I love yours!

  3. You look so chic!! Love the outfit..the hatis can really rock a hat girlie!!

    Cute tea party pics too:)

    Stop By and Say Hello♥
    Enter my Awesome ModCloth Giveaway♥

  4. love so much your outfit and this post.. Gorgeous!

  5. You look fantastic!!! I love the combo!! Everything's different but all the pieces work well together. You look great in hats by the way.

    The tea party is too cute. :)

  6. Soooooo sassy! I love the risks you take lady!

  7. oh, i just HAVE to comment on your kids sipping that tea! so ADORABLE. AWWW...

    love the color/print combination. well done as usual. looking forward to your next post.

  8. The colors are so fab! And you made it in a a very cute combo.
    Hey İ know that thrift store it is called DOWN ON THE CORNER and the adress is 3572 Mt. Acadia blvd. san diego 92111 .
    it is in clairemont ares just up the hill from mission bay.


Love to hear your thoughts...