
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Brazilian Blowout

No majorly cool outfit today. However it was inspired by the Jackie's post on One Hundred Inspirations blog.  I couldn't pos the photo. I definitely like the colors of the actual photo but these are the pieces I have so here it goes. I was going to wear something totally different but it was too chilly in the morning so I figured I should wear something that I can't wear when it is even slightly warmer than this morning. This blue cardigan is very very thick and warm.

I can't beleive a tripod photo came out blurry. What is up with that?

I also realize now it would have been better if my shirt was a bit longer. But it sure was a comfy outfit to handle today's activites. These are my new ugg boots. My black ones are so worn out and I really wanted a cognac colored ones. These have the look of their 'classic' but the toe is so much nicer. And they are zippered so the fit is more snug which actually makes walking in them easier as they don't slip on and off. But they don't feel like slippers like their classics do.

Blue Cardigan - Bebe
Plaid Shirt - Forever 21
Animal print leggings - Target
Pink Beret - Forever 21

Today's Activities: I planned hard last night so I could leave my house at 8:30 AM this morning. Prepared my crockpot meal the night before so I can just plug it in in the morning. Woke up before the kids showered and got ready and had them fed and dressed in a very speedy manner. We were at the zoo just when they opened. Great parking spot too. Made the mistake of allowing my son to get a hold of the map and decide on our route. He took us to the most hilly section of the zoo (the cat trail) for the search of lions and tigers. Kids were both so alive and happy to be there. We managed to meet a friend there for a little while for kids to play together. Then came home in time for lunch and to meet my in-laws. Socialized while the kids napped the left my dr and hair appointments. So today was my big 'Brazilian Blowout' appt. You can see the photos below.
Of course the true testament will come when I do wash my hair and style it on my own. I mean you are always going to look better whe you leave the hair salon. The trick is how is it going to look when you do it on your own.
I am not crazy about the dark hair nor the shortened lenght. So, lets see how it all comes out. I really wanted super blonde highlights against contrasting dark hair. The hair is dark but the highlights are not light enough I think.

See the 'before' and 'after' of each angle. You can also see how frizzy and curly my hair is when it is left on its own with no styling... 


  1. I like your hair but I understand about how it always looks so different at the salon. I got my haircut last week and loved it there but am now having issues. I wish I had more self-control and would just stop getting it cut. I miss my long hair from my pre-baby days.

  2. OMG!!!!! I LOVE it!!! It looks so great, you're going to love it, I promise!! Love the outfit too, perfect going to the salon clothes! Merry Christmas!

  3. My hair is exactly like yours (before), I'm so interested to hear how you like it after you wash, etc. It looks amazing!

  4. So glad to have given you some wardrobe inspiration on 100 Inspirations! It is in our blog name after all ;) And your hair looks great-I would like to do the same thing as mine is super frizzy and wavy too.


Love to hear your thoughts...