
Thursday, December 16, 2010


I do love my coat but am not super crazy about the outfit. Originally the outfit was supposed to be this tulle skirt with a white slightly silver embelished tee, silver strappy sandals on bare legs and this white coat. But tongiht's events forced me to dress for the cold (so no bare legs) and cold which meant just the tee under would not be sufficient enough...

I bought and used this coat a lot when I used to travel to NYC for work. One year when my brother was still in college, West Point Academy we went to visit him, see the school and watch an Army vs. Navy game. It was uniform day at the school and all the cadets were wearing cameo uniforms. So here I was in my bright white coat in a sea of cadets. The photo almost looked you like I was superimposed in the image. It was so cool. I wish I can dig up that photo somehow.

I first wore this with cream lace tights and cream sweater but it looked too boring. Added these bright red tights and then switched to this black and white sweater. It looks interesting but I am still not 100% positive. I was out of time though so couldn't dwell on it.

I do like how these silver ballet flats look against the red tights...

Tulle Skirt - Forever 21
Black and white sweater - Bebe
Coat - Bebe
Red Tights - From Turkey
Ballet Flats - Kate Spade
Ring - Swatch
Clutch - Guess
Watch - Bulova

 Today's Activites: Classic day of swim school in the morning and music class in the afternoon. Except after the morning swim school the kids and I ran around like maniacs to get things done. We dropped off the stroller at a bike shop for a flat tire repair, went to the post office to mail some more int'l cards, had lunch at the bagel shop, went grocery shopping and finally picked back up the stroller before returning home for naps. A lot of stops for a normal person, but when you have to unload and load two kids in out of car seats it gets to be very very very tiring. After music class left the kids with my husband and went to meet up with my girlfriends. We did the 'Taste'n'Tinis' event in the Hillcrest neighborhood of San Diego. It was around 20 restaurants participating plus 20 plus retail shops that were serving martini type drinks. They give you these super cute mini martini glasses when you check in and every place you go you get it filled with a different type of martini. It is tasting portions of course. Lots of flavored vodka drinks. We walked close to a 20 block radius and waited in long lines a lot. It was fun though. Normally it is $20 per person. But my friend had 2 free tickets and so we bought 1 discounted ticket at $15, therefore cost us $5 per person for free food and drinks. It only went until 9 PM though so we were rushing from one place to the next to hit as many places as possible. Ended the night with a nice portion of frozen yogurt before a very long back to our cars. See photos below...
P.S. That is why I had to wear flats...

Lisa (my best friend), Kim (my other best friend's sister) and myself tonight... We are usually a group of 5 but 2 didn't make it tonight.

The cute mini martini glasses: 

Had to stuff a napkin to get the writing: 

Our map and punch cards: 

Even crossed a freeway (163) on our walk! 


  1. That sounds like so much fun!! You look so good - that skirt looks great with the sweater! I like the tights as well - very festive. :)

  2. I love the tights!!! Also loving the shoes! You look great!


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