
Thursday, January 13, 2011

First Tie

So this whole outfit was created just so I wear this tie! Hard to beleive these jean's cut was labeled as 'skinny jeans' after what is in the market for 'skinny' cuts, this feels like bootcut to me. But I do like how they fit and because they have no spandex in them I don't need a belt to keep them in place.

I found this tie at my mom's local thrift sore for $3.50. I have never owned or worn a tie but thought this was cute enough for me to pull it off. For my first time with a tie I wanted to go simple. Button down, blazer jacket, jeans and to offset it all stilettho heels!

These were deep burried in my shoe section of the closet. I actually had to use baby wipes (as a mother of two toddlers something I have all around the house) to wipe off the dust on them. You know the heels are so not as high as I remembered them and I actually did not have any difficulty walking in them. May be I am used to heels now. 

To add more feminine touches I piled up cuffs and bracelets and wore my old chanel aviator style sunglasses

When I reached for a white button up shirt in my closet I realized that I own 5 of them in slightly different fits! Not sure why I saw the need to acquire so many. I picked this cause it was the lightest and had 3/4 sleeves which was good for today's weather.

Tie - thrifted
Button up shirt - Charlotte Russe
Khaki blazer jacket - thrifted Gap
Jeans slim cut - Rock Republic
Red lizard boots - Victoria's Secret Catalog
Cuffs and bracelets - from Turkey, Charlotte Russe and Forever 21
Watch - Michael Kors

Today's Activities: It was Thursday so swimming in the morning and music in the afternoon. My parents came over to visit the kids and my mom came with us to swim class. It is nice when I have help cause it is a hassle to just get in the pool but afterwards I have to shower two kids and myself then dress my daughter first, then my son then run into the locker room to dress myself. 30 minute class takes almost 30 minutes to get in and out of the pool! We then met my stepdad and all together had greek (which is very similar to Turkish food) for lunch then hit the dollar store for some valentine's day decorations as I promised my son as we took down xmas decorations we would decorate soon. After naps we went to the coffee shop next to the music class then the class. Came home for dinner and a quiet (well not so much with our kids but nothing major) night.


  1. what a lovely detail on those pockets! great how you match your boots to your tie. i've never tried a tie before. looks very chic on you!
    thanks for your sweet comment.

  2. Those boots are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love the tie, the blazer, it's such a great outfit Daphne! :D
    xo MODELmumma

  3. You look so cute! I actually really love the boots, I'm glad you pulled them out :)

  4. Love the outfit. They do look boot cut. Cute tho!

  5. Love the outfit and tie ! Love the boots of course !
    Talking about you on my blog !

  6. You're totally rocking that tie! And I love those jeans

  7. I really like this. I have a ton of ties left over from when I waited tables in college. I always want to find a way to wear them, but could never find anything that didn't look too costume-y. I really like this a lot. Also, you've inspired me to try my heels out again.

  8. What a great comment you left me!

  9. I love your spin on menswear! That tie is awesome!


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