
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Green Fur

Thought this would be a good outfit for today. Here is where the inspiration came from:

Nothing too special but just another combo to wear my faux fur vest. And I love finding inspiration outfits with flats! 

This sage/olive green silky shirt is a new purchase from H&M during our Vegas weekend. I didn't even have to come up with combos on the spot as I knew it would be a great base piece for many outfits and I already have a ton in both fall/winter and spring/summer lists with this shirt.
And these ballet flats with cuffs were a end of season purchase from Nordstrom's for $25! I just love shoes with ankle cuffs.

Added qute a bit of accessories today (for me at least anyway). I usually don't wear this many as they become too cumbersome with kids especially becaue there is just so much hand washing.

Amazingly today remained chilly the entire time we were out first part of the day and I kept this vest on. Did get a few looks from people probably cause a bit too dressy for Sea World.

I saw this look of wearing a same hue tank top over a blouse somewhere and decided to try it today since the shirt is not fitted and neither is the vest I needed something to not make me look too baggy.

Faux Fur Vest - Kenar
Silky Blouse - H&M
Tank - Eddie Bauer 
Denim Leggings - Guess
Shoes - Nordstrom's
Accessories - Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, Rack
Watch - Michael Kors
Purse - Banana Republic

Today's Activities: Was all lounging around this morning, really not in the mood to do anything but I knew after spending all afternoon at the house needed to get the kids out. So, slowly but surely got ready and packed lunches and headed to Sea World. Another cloudy and not so warm day so perfect day to go there as it is much less crowded. Hit the seal show, watched dolphins and otters than had the kids play at the seasame play area. They book took long naps at home and we tried to stay home this afternoon only to realize our kids do not do so well after an hour or so at the house. We managed though...

Was a bit tough getting my shots with kids getting into them...

1 comment:

  1. İ simply adore this outfit altogether. it looks like İ was turning a page in my new magazine! Even the grey shoes İ would never think of putting together looks sensational. İ am starting to think out of the box thanks to you but still can't apply it on myself;)))


Love to hear your thoughts...