
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Road Trip

Not a super blog worthy outfit but we were in the car and waiting room almost all day so wanted to be comfy, which this outfit was.

I had the jacket on all morning but the minute we went outside to the summer weather we seem to be having it was off...  This tunic was bought from bebe sport (when it existed) cause my husband made the mistake of buying his mom an outfit there when he was buying my mom an outfit. Keep in mind our mother's are very very differ in style so his mom of course had to return it for something else. All she could find that would fit her taste was a tee and a hoodie so I bought this with the remainning. It is perfect to layer on top of leggings.

These converses which I wear frequently are actually slip ons cause you know me I despise buckles and shoe ties on my or my kids' shoes. But I love the look of ties on converses so found this style where the ties are painted on to give the look!

I forgot my sunglasses at home today. That is what happens when you leave your house while it is dark at 5:30 AM and ditch my usual diaper bag for a normal tote which has nothing in it. So, these are my Dad's spare pair in his car. 

Tunic Top - Bebe Sport
Leggings and Scarf - Forever 21
Jacket - thrifted at the Thread Show
Socks - Puma
Sneakers - Converse
Sunglasses - Dad's Ray Bans

Today's Activities: Woke up at 4:50 AM naturally so decided might as well get up so I can turn off the alarm and not wake up my husband. Was all ready with my english muffin and coffee in my hand when my brother and father came to pick me up. We spent the morning driving up to Laguna beach for my father's treatment than had a nice lunch z pizza at 11 AM before driving back. Since the kids were napping at my mom's I rested a bit at home then cooked dinner before running errands kid free then headed to my mom's to pick them up. Nice quiet night at home. I had cramps so instead of reading in her room my daughter and I layed in my bed under covers cuddled and read a book. Then my son and husband came for a group hug and tackle fight. Fun ending.

Oh, forgot to post these yesterday....
Here is my new Diaper Bag:

And remember I was talking about spotting my dream Michael Kors bag at TJ Maxx the other day. I was telling my mom all about it and she went and bought it for me for upcoming mother's day and my b-day in August! I coudln't beleive it. I love this bag sooo much:


  1. That MK bag is gorgeous!! I had no idea Converse did a slip on - what a great idea!

  2. Super cute casual outfit! I love the bird scarf. And that MK bag is gorgeous!!!

    ps--Thank you for the Stylish Blogger Award! :)

  3. OMG, you lucky lady! That MK is too gorgeous!

  4. Gule gule kullan canim butun istediklerin senin olsun!!!

    Translation--- use it in good days with laughter and i hope you get all the things you want.
    love mom


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