
Monday, January 24, 2011

Sexy Sweats

I am not crazy about this outfit. Mostly because thee sweat pants are suppose to look a lot baggier on the legs and they more look like leggings and I am just not feeling that look.
The inspiration came from the October issue of Glamour magazine though:

Also noticed the lighting and my shots just did not work today even though I tried two different spots.

I am wearing a coin necklace where the coin is from Turkey and is supposed to be antique. The short chain necklaces are hand made by my aunt. She is a jeweler and has pateneted these chain patterns. I forgot these for a while so it was nice to wear them again.

More accessories with bracelets. And my Juicy boots.

Have to be honest though these boots and the motorcycle jacket was a bit much for day today so opted for these flat ankle sandals and did add a black cardigan on top when I was cold. And it even got more casual late afternoon when I went to my Dr's appt I just wore my black uggs!

Motorcycle leather jacket - Wet Seal
White tee - Express
Sweat Pants and bracelets - Forever 21
Necklaces - from Turkey
Peep toe booties - Juicy Couture
Flat sandals - Boutique 9

Today's Activities: Our preschool was closed today as the new semester will be starting on Wednesday. So I took the kids to a bookstore for something different. My son especially is crazy about books. But the bookstore we went to the floorplan of the kid area was a bit too open and I kept having to chase after my daughter therefore could not read to my son so it wasn't as nice as our past experiences when my daughter was younger. I did sneak purchase two sticker books which I know they will like for valentine's gifts. My best friend for xmas gave me the 'Dead Until Dark' which is the 1st book in the series which the HBO series True Blood is based on.  I do like that it is different than the show so I bought the next 3 books to check them out. Then we hit Costco. We are bringing snack to the whole class at preschool on Wednesday and hosting a co-ed baby shower for my brother and sister-in-law this weekend so had a huge shopping list. I always time the shopping part correctly giving us plenty of time to have lunch and get home before naps. What I always forget is the unpacking time and the hassle of making literally 10 trips to and from the car with kids running around me all fussy and tired and poopy in my daughter's case. After naps I had a dr appt and I was rushing to finish paying the bills and keeping the 3 loads of laundry that piled up since I wasn't home yesterday going. My mom and stepdad came to take over the kids and I was still late to the Dr's. Afterwards I went to their house to have dinner then bring the kids home. My husband is working late every night this week so I was on my own with baths and bedtime plus kitchen and laundry. Tiring to say the least.

Here are the kids posing with me during the photoshoot in the backyard. Love my son's outfit today...


  1. I love all the rock star accessories! Your son's outfit is adorable - I have to get a gingham shirt like that for my son!

  2. I'm still loving the sweatpants look. I love the accessories you used and of course the jacket!

  3. The accessories are killing me....LOVE the arm candy!

  4. your kids are so adorable...that is a killer jacket...very fun outfit!

  5. WOW really sexy sweat pant ensemble! İ don't if İ can pull it off but looks great with your long and lean legs with the sweat pant not clinging on you !! Love Trevor's outfit.. He is so adorable looking so casual and careless!!!

  6. i have a pair of casual gray pants similar to these, but this drawstring bottoms, and i just don't know what to do with it! maybe i should try tucking the bottoms in too!

    as for my sunglasses...some glasses have a gradual tint, this one is the same, but not so gradual! the dark part ends just below your eye, so it looks normal.


Love to hear your thoughts...