
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Thank you to Frenchy for giving me this reward...

7 Things About Me (in random order):
1. I am excessively organized to the point some might call it a disorder (hence my outfit spreadsheet).
2. I love to eat popcorn with jalepegno peppers (random)
3. I have (at least used to) have some sick tolerance towards alcohol especially tequila, I could drink any guy  under the table.
4. I absolutely love spending time with my 'girls' (friends).
5. I have been married twice.
6. I am secretly addicted to the twilight books (have read them 3 times) Can't beleive I am admitting to this in public! (note: I am otherwise a very serious reader of classics and deep non page turner books)
7. I might look young but I am really 37!

Here are the blogs I would like to reward:

Artfully Awear - Each one of her unique outfits are inspired by an artists work which she posts side by side.

Atlantic Pacific - Bee has amazing style. Her posts/outfits look like magazine editorials.


  1. Congratulations Daphne! I have to check out the other blogs you've nominated. Artfully Aware sounds very very interesting.

  2. OMGosh....I am 37 too and i look younger too !(did i just say that?) Oups.
    Reading Twilight is a great addiction !!!!
    I wish i was organised....Oh i bow to you~~~~
    Thank you so much for talking about me !!!
    You so deserve this award ! I just love your style and blog !!!
    Ok I don't know how it happened but it did???
    I am a finalist in the Winter Wonderland contest!!
    Could you vote for me ??

    Big hugs and have a great week end :)

  3. Congrats on the props!!

    Good for you that you are able to hold on to your youth...said with a resentful sigh, lol!

    I'm out hopping, hope you'll come by Lucy's when you get a chance

  4. Congratulations babe İ knew you would get an award soon! Everything you put together is inspiring and especially when you do it from your own closet! keep up the good work and apply to magazines. You are going to get big İ can feel it!!!You are by far my favorite blogger:)

  5. Awesome! I'm extremely organized too and I'm 37! yay!!!!

  6. Congrats to you and thank you SO much for featuring me...So flattering!! Can't wait to see all you come up with in 2011 :)


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