
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Butterfly Tucker

I forgot to mention yesterday but I am very excited about making VIP in Chictopia!

This is a simple casual outfit but the touch of silk take it up a notch.
This inspiration photo was from the October 2010 issue of In Style Magazine:

Got the idea of layering the striped t-neck under a silky floral top from this photo. Tucker butterfly silk blouse was perfect for this layering.

Here is a close-up. This blouse is so pretty...

This cuff watch was a gift from my mom. It came in the cutest box too. I love it. The charm bracelet was a sale find at Victoria's Secret. I bought one for my mom and one for myself. This was a few years back.

Carried the tripod upstairs to take these photos on my bedroom balcony. The kids were playing in the (empty) bathtub so didn't want to leave them alone.

I was too lazy to go downstairs to grab my usual sunglasses so reached for these which were among 5 other pair of sunglasses I have in my dresser drawer. It is an off-white color that looks great in summer.

Silk Blouse - Tucker for Target
Striped t-neck - Charlotte Russe
Skinny jeans - Forever 21
Double belt - Forever 21
Rugged boots - Steve Madden
Pink cuff watch - Betsey Johnson
Charm Bracelet - Victoria's Secret
Sunglasses - Guess

Today's Activities: Preschool this morning. Love the fact that art project was mud pies which the kids made dinasour bones found in dirt. Was even more pleased that we got to take them home. Not sure what we are supposed to do with them. :) After naps we went to the indoor play area and met some friends. Came home for dinner and watched part of toy story 2 (another netflix).

Going to CA Adventure Park tomorrow to celebrate my daughter's birthday. My husband is taking the day off from work. We'll be throwing her a party jointly with another friend whose daughter is turning 2 (they are a day apart) on Saturday but thought it would be special to do a family event on her actual day.

It is her day tomorrow, but it is also my day.
It is the day I was afraid for my life, it is the day I stood to loose everything and it is the day I gained it all.
I was diagnosed with placenta accreta where your placenta (the sack that houses the baby) attaches itself to the uterus so while giving birth women bleed to death in a record time. As soon as I was diagnosed at 19 weeks I was transferred to a high risk dr and a different hospital where they have the equipment to perform such surgery. I knew it was serious when we had separate appointments to meet my surgeons and a person dedicated by the hospital just to answer my questions and concerns. You know you are in trouble where in a country where it is so hard to talk to a dr on the phone my surgeons were giving me their direct cell numbers. Which did come in handy when I started bleeding (2 years ago tonight) even before my 34 week scheduled surgery date. By the time we arrived there was a team waiting and they had already read up my entire file and the surgeons were already called and on their way. This was a teaching hospital. So if you watch grey's anatomy at all imagine bunch of surgical interns and residents who were super excited to be on my case as a case like mine only came once every 2 months or so if that. My family and I were not quite sharing their enthusaism. It was very emotional when it became evident they couldn't stop the bleeding and I was to be taken into surgery and they told my family to say their good-bye's. I will never forget the fear I felt for my own life for the sake of the ones I was leaving behind. The thought of not seeing my kids grow-up or the fact that I might never be able to even meet my little girl was unbearable. But it all passed and I survived. My surgery performed by an oncologist was a total success. Yes, I no longer can have children but I couldn't be happier with the son and daughter I was blessed with.
So, it is my daughter's day but it is also my day...... and I am going to wear a pink tulle skirt! :)


  1. Aww Daphne! I'm so glad you'll be celebrating. That must've been so scary but you're here, enjoying life with your beautiful family and I hope you and your daughter have a fantastic day! xoxox

  2. That is so scary!!! I'm so glad everything worked out ok!! I hope you both have a wonderful day together!

  3. Wow, your birth story made me cry. How scary for you and yet how brave you were. Awesome job mom!!!

  4. So scary! Glad to know everything turned out okay! I love that blouse and I wish I had gotten it, the print is beautiful!


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