
Monday, February 7, 2011


I got this inspiration for this combo from November Grey but did not note which post of hers so can't reference the link. Sorry.  

Any idea to re-wear this black maxi skirt is welcome in my book. I liked the idea of adding a brown belt and grey boots. I needed tights but instead of all black decided to wear my fishnets!

Maxi Skirt - Banana Republic
Tee - from a bazaar in Turkey
Crop motorcycle Jacket - Old Wet Seal
grey patent boots - from Turkey
Belt - Limited

Today's activities: My daughter was up for no reason last night and because she only does this about once a month we always question ourselves and wonder 'what if she is sick' and give in and get her. Big Mistake! We all end up not sleeping for a few hours until we give up and take her back and let her cry it out which does not last more than 10 minutes before falling a sleep. So felt like a train wreck all morning. After preschool and coming home we all took naps. When they woke up we had snacks while I put away the laundry and cleaned up the house. Then packed up all my bills and checkbooks and went to the indoor play area so I could budget, pay the bills etc... Came home a bit earlier so I can cook. Amazingly my daughter did not hold onto my leg for her dear life like she always does and I was able to cook dinner at actual dinner time! Even fit in ironning afterwards as they were watching a movie. My husband and I feel a cold coming so taking night time medication and hitting the sack now. Hope we don't get sick. 


  1. Awesome! I'm really feeling maxi skirts right now and you made this into a perfect look.

  2. Love this rock outfit, the maxi skirt makes you long legs, lucky you !

  3. I've been looking for the perfect black maxi skirt everywhere. I'm a bit scared to pull of this trend, though, due to my short legs :(

    Anyway, I love the fishnet tights! They added an interesting detail to the whole look :)

  4. Hope you don't get sick either. It's been an awful year for us being sick - sheesh! Love those boots - so stylish!

  5. I hope you don't get sick too! It seems like lots of people are sick these days.

    That maxi is GREAT on you and I love it with the graphic tee and leather jacket! You look awesome!

  6. I hope you both feel better! I really like the way you paired the maxi skirt with gray boots and a brown belt - very unexpected and stylish!

  7. I love this whole outfit. The tee from Turkey is fab!


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