
Friday, February 11, 2011

Wild about boucle

Very basic outfit today. Not much thought to it. Got the idea from the following chictopia post...

Kind of cool to pair sneakers with a tweed jacket.

I love this jacket which was part of a very pricey Ann Taylor suit bought at the same time as the red suit I had written about way back when in NYC when I first started my job out of college. It resembles Chanel's style which is why I had fallen in love with it. I plan to use both the skirt and the jacket in various different outfits.

I have worn this lacey ruffle hem top before. The back is made out of t-shirt material so it is very very comfy.

Since there is not much to the oufti we were having fun with the kids doing a photo shoot together...

Also breaking in my new 'dark skinny' jeans from H&M. This pair has hardly and lycra in it which you might think makes it not so comfy but I love it because it stays put all day long and keeps its shape. No belt required. It felt like a corset actually which I was fine with.

Boucle Blazer Jacket - Ann Taylor
White lacey top - Victoria's Secret Catalog
Skinny Jeans - H&M
Sneakers - Rocket Dog

Today's Activities: Worked up the motivation to push myself out the door this morning and went to the zoo. I bargained myself that I won't have to pack lunch if I just got ready and left and it worked. We had buy lunch there but we rarely do so it was fine. Negoitated with my son so we can visit the animals that are mostly in the flat area. Otherwise if you ask him he always wants to go to the lions which happen to be in the most top part of the huge park which takes forever to get to and come back from. We stuck with flamingo's, monkey trail, gorillas and orangutans. Than went to the Children's zoo section which is conveniently located right by the exit. Kids loved petting the goats and feeding them and playing in their big play slide structure. Had lunch early so we can leave the park on time and come home for naps. Had to wake them up so we can go to their dr appts in time. My mom came to help. Had my daughter's 2 yr check-up and had my son xrayed to figure out if he is constipated. Will be going to dinner at my girlfriend's house just as soon as I get the kids pretty much ready for bed.

It was the kids' idea to pose to begin with and pose like this. They are so amazingly cooperative when it comes to taking their photos when I do my blog shoot. It is pretty cool...

Here are the kids at the petting zoo...

Here is my 'wild one'...


  1. Your children are so cute ! You must be proud !
    I love this outfit, particularly the white top !

  2. Tweed and lace cool and together with sneakers What an unexpected combination and looks sooo cool. İ love the kids pose around the tree Get one printed for me when you print these ok?

  3. Love it! You really pulled it off! And holy me oh my your children are a-dorable!

  4. you look great! I really like your jacket. I love boucle too!! i have a boucle sweater and it feels sooo soft, haha.


  5. Awwww, your kiddos are adorable - looks like you all had a blast! You look fab too!


Love to hear your thoughts...