
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Originally, I wasn't going to 'dress' on Tuesday since I was behind from Monday but decided to wear a combo from the list I wasn't that excited about to reduce the outfits on the list. The inspiration was the Ann Taylor LOFT add the fall issues:

Anything with flats is always motivating for me to re-create since it works for my life with kids.
My attept to pose like the model but I look totally silly... 

This black top is a simple LS cotton top from Gap. Great layering and lounging piece. 

The simple chain necklace was enough to give the look... 

The jeans are actually denim leggings. They do have a waist button so can go either way...And you know how I feel about my boots. I had to literally pull them up every single shot. They never stay over the knee for me. 

Boyfriend Jacket - Newport News Catalog
Black top - Gap
Denim leggings - ELLE from Kohl's
Necklace - Charlotte Russe
Boots - Steve Madden
Wallet purse (something I use everyday) - Juicy Couture

TUESDAY's ACTIVITIES:  We went to the outdoor preschool class. It was at a very nice park and kids didn't want to leave even after 3 hours.  I 'tried' to nap when they napped but I think these drugs I am taking are making me wired instead of drowsy so couldn't sleep and had many phone calls to make anyway. Kids fell a sleep so late and I had to wake them up since we had their dentist appointments at 4 PM. We were still late. This was my daughter's first dentist visit (my son's 3rd). My son is so good now, he even went to get his xrays taken with the nurse by himself without me! They clean and check kids' teeth in one public room so other kids can see how there is nothing to be afraid of. If a kids is afraid or crying they immediately move them to a private exam room. So only good examples are in public. This method really helped. I had my son go first so my daughter could see and she was perfect the whole time. Nice visit.
Then we had this marathon run of leaving our car in a loading zone of a hospital running inside to their breastfeeding store to pick up something for my SIL. Managed to get out without a ticket.
Then went to Target and completely lost track of time until my hsuband called and asked where I was since it was 10 till 7 PM! We were buying bunch of stuff my brother and SIL need plus some stuff for us. They have the cutest and I mean cutest sandals for little girls by the way. You ahve to check it out.
After a quick dinner and a very quick shower/bath they were in bed.
Unfortunately my daughter was up from 3:30 AM until 5:30 AM so not good. She had no reason. Just does this like every 2 months. Just to keep us on our toes I guess...

Here is my daughter in the dentist chair 

She is being so good while her teeth get polished... 

Such a pretty shot...


  1. Your daughter is as adorable as it gets. Except for my daughters at 2 of course.

  2. i still want knee high boots, but i'm too damn short! looks good on you! i need to make my boy his first visit too. he came with me to my appointment last weekend to see what it's all about, so hopefully it puts him at ease at his first appt!

  3. OMG juliet looks adorable in dentist chair and where is the picture of Trevor? sorry İ wanted to comment on your outfit as well. İt is looking very sharp and put together especially for a dentist visit:) İ love the boots too but İ also am too short for them except if they are high heels which İ wore them plenty in 80's when my legs were sharp!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your daughter is adorable, you can tell she doesn't want to be there, still she is being such a big girl.
    You look stunning with this outfit, I had a 1st favorite but this one wont the 1st place. Amazing from head to toes!
    Also want you to know that
    I gave you an award. Check it out at:

    Great post! great boots! Great pictures! see why the award?

  6. Those boots are fabulous and practical at the same time!

  7. Awww, she looks like she's being so good! I was always terrible for the dentist!

  8. L0VE this outfit! We did the first dentist visit a few months ago and my girl did better than I thought she would.

  9. Your daughter is so adorable! Look how cute she is. My daughter is so not good with the dentist, luckily my sister was visiting (she's a dentist) and was able to check her teeth.

    I never get anywhere on time either. It's impossible. And I'm not sure why but whenever I pose like a pic I like it never turns out well.

    Love the simple outfit. The boots are great!

  10. She's so cute! What a good girl! :)

    I love those boots - it's a shame they don't stay up because they look amazing on you!

  11. Love how you recreated the inspiration look!

    xx Cristina

  12. My daughter looked the same way for her first dental appointment: nervous but very cooperative. Good for her! Now my 2 year old son is another story. I've been looking for tips to help us get through the dental appointments. I found some good info and tips on this Mom's Guide (copy & paste: Your post also reminded me that looking great helps, too! :) Love the boots! Keep rockin' them on behalf of us short girls who can't!

  13. The clinic has a very good strategy. The children need not to imagine what is going on inside the private room. Letting them see how the procedure goes would prevent them from thinking scary things about the dentist. It gives them the courage to sit back and relax on the dentist chair. Pretty cool!

    Ed McGoldrick

  14. Wow, like mother, like daughter, eh? =) Although she didn't seem like she wanted to cooperate with her dentist, her teeth were treated just fine. In fact, I think they've become whiter. Well, that's just perfect for a young fashionista like her.

    Williams Schermer

  15. Aww, your daughter looks too cute even though she looks a bit anxious. First, let me compliment your dress because it looks really stunning on you. Second, kudos for giving importance to your daughter's dental health. How is she now?

    Stormy Glazier @ Today Dentistry San Jose


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