
Friday, March 11, 2011

Friend Friday Post: Finding Balance

My second post for Fashion Beauty Friend Friday (FBFF) from Katy @ Modly Chic.
This week’s Friend Friday questions focus on the issue of finding the balance.

1. When it comes to prioritizing your life, in what place does blogging fall?
Towards the bottom unfortunately. I have two young kids I take care of full time. Household chores. And my friends and family always rank high priority in my life. Blogging is something I do for me and I truly enjoy it. So I use my own personal time for it.

2. We all wish we had more free time to dedicate to blogging and all it entails. What are your tricks for taking advantage of the time you do have to be as productive as possible?
I try to take my outfit photos first thing in the morning before going out. It might not be the best light or desired background but I know later in the day I might not have time and my outfit might be stained or wrinkled from doing stuff with the kids. Once the photos are taken I try to download/upload and edit them during kids' nap time. At once they go to bed I try to get my post in first. Then I try to read other blogs I follow as much as possible. I also love to visit the blogs of new people that comment or follow my blog to get to know them better.

3. Have you discovered any short-cuts that makes blogging easier or more time efficient?
I use the save feature a lot. I can start a blog, just get the photos in or put the writing in and save to finish later. I also love scheduling posts when I am traveling. But that is about it. Will be reading others to see if I can learn something.

4. Do you have an editorial calendar or something similar that helps you plan ahead? The primary content of my blog is outfit posts and writing about my day I spent in that outfit. I do have a list of things I would like to post about but have not had the time yet. For scheduled posts like these FBFF I do post them on my calendar to remind myself.

5. If time wasn’t an issue what you would be doing on your blog/for your blog that you aren’t doing now?
I so would love to create 'looks for less' segments. I love cutting out inspiraton photos from magazines and catalogs and I love browsing retail shops online and seem to always find the pictured items for much cheaper. I usually use the stuff in my own closet but would love to help out my readers with links to where they can buy similar items for less.
I would love to use polyvore to create outfit ideas and collages.
I would love to join more groups and participate in more challanges.
I would love to host my own challange event and giveaway.
I would love to spend time to turn my blog into a revenue generator.
To see the answers from all the other bloggers check out the links under Katy's Post at this link.


  1. We bloggers all lead such busy lives with so many things going on, it's always interesting to read how people manage to actually fit blogging into their schedule! Great post :)

  2. I totally agree with you...and your last answer is soooo true..I would love to have the time to do all those things as well.

    Natasha ~ Required2BeInspired

  3. Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog....our answers are pretty similar! I love your style- now following you! :)

  4. Great post, Love the photo of your daughter on the left, so cute!

    d e g a i n e

  5. I'm your newest follower from the Boost My Blog Friday Blog Hop. If you get a minute please drop by and follow back. Have a wonderful week!


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