
Saturday, March 19, 2011


It is wear Orange day for me in the Color Rotation Challange. It is actually supposed to be green but I switched orange and green last week for St. Patty's day.  I actually had more outfits with orange sweaters in them in my fall/winter list but have worn them already. This was the only outfit left with orange in it.

This tee is very old. I bought it cause I liked the subdued orange hue and the cool design on it with browns and green. Goes nicely with the military jacket. This jacket is a purchase from this season. It is made out of sweatshirt material so very soft and comfy.

My taupe wedges... they came with a fur trim that is detachable. For this outfit I thought it was better without... 

Did not have plans to add a hat originally but showered last minute and my hair was wet so this was needed to cover it. Bought this hat 3-4 years ago for summer to go with my swimsuits. It went nicely with this outfit too.

WIth the hat and the jacket the outfit is very military/soldier. So contrasted that look with wedge booties and dangly earings.  

Military Jacket - TJ Maxx
Orange tee - Target
Skinny Jeans - Forever 21
Earings and hat - from a summer boutique
Booties - Victoria's Secret Catalog

Today's Activities: We had a nice liesurely morning at home before my husband took my daughter and I took my son. They went to her gym class but she wasn't feeling well so they came home early. I took my son to his friend's 4 yr old b-day party. He had a great time playing in the jumpy then 'pin the tail on the donkey' and breaking the pinata games. I remembered how much easier it is when you have just one kid to look after. Especially when that is the older kid. The party went way past his nap time but there was no way we were leaving before he had cake so we hat to stay. By the time he went down my daughter was up so no break for me today.
In the afternoon none of us were feeling great. We stayed home. The good thing is since both kids were not feeling great they were content laying low and playing. My husband went out and got us some soup and chicken for dinner and we put them down the bed with some cold and pain medicine. Hope tomorrow is better.

Here is my son with his friend who had a b-day... 

His turn to hit the pinata (sp?) 

Mother and son. I have that stupid bluetooth in my ear cause I wanted to make sure I could hear my husband if he called... Looks stupid I know... 


  1. I love this casual look! The boots are perfect for this outfit

    Natasha ~ Required2BeInspired

  2. love the military jacket. and those wedge boots are adorable!

    we went to a birthday party too! feel like my 3yo has a better social life than i do!

  3. It was great having you guys for the party.Well I guess we are the lucky ones to see you everyday dress so well and enjoy it.

  4. oooh, love the jacket! it looks like a really comfy material?? lightweight?

  5. I can only say: You totally rock with that outfit. I love it from head to toes!!
    that is what cool moms look like.

  6. Fantastic jacket and shoes! You are a very stylish mommy :)

  7. Love,love,love your jacket!!!

  8. Your earings are so beautiful, and sure Paris is a great city to get inspiration in

  9. oh! a fellow mom blogger! hi there :) i love your shoes :)

  10. lovely shoes you got there, and lol I miss the days when I could hit a pinata

  11. Hello Daphne!
    I missed you a lot! I know it's been awhile I haven't visited you
    i just want to thank you for visiting my blog for taking time to leave
    a comment.

    Dear, you are getting sexier! Your son is as stylish as her mom!
    Great job, Mommy!

  12. I seriously love those boots! And gosh you make pretty kids!


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