
Monday, March 7, 2011

Purple Fur

This was my outfit on Sunday which was day 2 of our Girls' Weekend trip. I cheated a bit as I also wore this outfit Saturday night to dinner. I wanted to get the most out of it as I loved it so much.

This white picket fence surrounded front part of the property and with the trees in the background it was just such a cool background for a photo shoot. Also helps to have friends to take photos instead of a tripod.

The 'floppy adventure hat' was perfect for this 80s inspired outfit. I added the huge black onyx ring for the rocker look and the silver fringe earings to show under the hat.

The faux fur purple jacket is a killer find from Forever 21 clearance rack for $14. How can you pass on it?

This grey top just has the prettiest color and it is tissue thin. Love the elastic bottom and total 80s feel to it. I forgot to photo the back but it is totally ripped in stripes. Very very cool top (from Guess's sale rack)...
The patent leather boots are a purchase from Turkey a few years back. Grey is just a great color to have when it comes to boots or shoes.

These amazingly cool pants are from Bebe from couple years ago. They have the satin stripe on the sides. I call them the 'skinny tuxedo pants'.

Just couldn't get enough of this photo shoot. The lighting was perfect and the fence just gave me so much to work with. Plus I feel the sexiest in this type of an outfit: skinny pants, high heels.

Faux Fur Jacket & Hat & earings - Forever 21
Pants - Bebe
Top - Guess?
Ring & Boots - From Turkey

Sunday Activities: It was amazing again to sleep in and even better to lounge around with nothing to do. Haven't had that feeling since I was pregnant with my first. The weather was cooler but still sunny and nice so we had breakfast in the front patio this time. Then decided we should just stay in our PJs and stay in. We played cards for a couple hours on the patio. After packing and checking out had lunch on the way at a Mexican restaurant and headed back home totally refreshed.

Once we came near the house though I couldn't wait to see the kids. But, first I had to unpack everything, put everything away and immediately download and upload photos.
We then picked up pizza and went to my mom's to pick up the kids and have dinner together. They never greet me with love when at Grandparents' house but that is OK cause once we get home they become mommy's boy and girl immediately so I just wait for all the hugs then.

This Tree was so pretty, I didn't want to crop the photo to zoom in...


  1. this outfit is hot! LOVE the purple fur. soooo cute! can't believe it was so cheap too!

  2. lovely fur from F21! good thing you bought it! :D


  3. Great outfit, love the jacket!

  4. Very lovely photos! The faux fur jacket was a great find!

  5. Seems like you enjoyed the trip, tha is great.
    Nice pictures (beautiful tree scenario) and that fur coat is beautiful, not to mention I just add your pants to my wish list .... hope I find them.

  6. Love your faux fur jacket- the shade of purple is amazing! The hat and those sunglasses add a really glamourous rocker vibe to this look that I love.

  7. Amazing faux fur, I am in love with purple color!!!


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