
Friday, April 22, 2011

Coral Heels

I wore this on Thursday.
Jenny from Spry on the Wall had inspired me to wear this sweater dress over cuffed jeans. I couldn't upload her photo for some reason and since I didn't save her post name couldn't find that either.

I bought these cute canvas coral heels for spring a while back from F21 of course. They have a low heel that I can handle with kids. They look great with ankle socks. For this look though I went barefeet and cuffed jeans.

The outfit needed something so added the two toned blue snood and some earings and bangles.

I still can't say I am comfortable with the short sleeve sweater idea. My arms were cold at times and when I wore a cardigan it felt too heavy. I made it work regardless, the sacrifices for fashion right?

Was doing the photo shoot on the front patio at first but the photos were too dark. These are the lightened versions so moved on inside after these two. 

For once did not crop the photo so you can get a glimpse of my entry way. I designed these arched doors and then had them custom made in Mexico for a great great price. The clock that hangs on top (needs a battery the time is wrong) is made out of a real wine barrel and is super heavy. Ordered it from one of the wine magazines. I think between my last post and this photo you are probably getting an idea that I am also very into decorating.  

Sweater Dress & Canvas heels - Forever 21
Dark Rinse Jeans - H&M
Scarf - TJ Maxx
Earings - Buffalo Exchange
Bangles - Ruche

Thursday's Activities: It is official I am having a tough time this week. My patience seems to run out so fast between the kids, lack of activities with other adults, backyard construction and car troubles...
My mom was nice enough to come this morning so she can give us a ride to the swim class that way I didn't have to leave at crack of dawn to take my husband to work and just let him take his own car. But of course at swim class when I called the shop I found out my car won't be ready until Friday at noon! That not only ruined my afternoon playdate plans of park and museum but also my wild animal park plans for the next day. I had to make bunch of calls and emails to re-work everything. This plus spending 20 minutes on the phone with the gas company to upgrade our meter and other contractors I was almost in tears. Seeing my dire shape my mom offerred to take the kids to her house. Knowing they didn't have their sleep stuff (music and satin and paci) I still said 'yes' as I was desperate for a break. Dropped them off at my mom's and took her car home.
Got caught up on more emails and more scheduling of contractors and baked cookies and headed back to her house.
Of course neither kid had napped and my daughter never ever skips a nap! My mom was also nice enough to host my two friends and their kids for a playdate since I couldn't join them at the park. Had to wait until my husband got there with the car so I had a ride. He had his friend pick him up from there and they went to the padres game. Me and the girls went to Target of all places for dinner. Yes we are pretty pathetic. After the dinner turned out to NOT be a fiasco we felt brave enough to even shop for half hour. You have to see our photo at the bottom as it is priceless.
Rushed back home and somehow got both kids in bed without much crying.

 Here is the pool with the tile work completed!

 They spent a lot of time on this spa wall tiles...

And here is the priceless Target photo!


  1. What a lovely outfit! Would be perfect for Easter!!! The last photo is priceless my dear!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  2. Nice casual outfit..
    Your skinny jeans looks great.
    The last photo is realy the best :)
    may hang on the billbords :))

  3. love your sweater, love your heels, love your earrings briefly love your outfit!!!
    and the tinies are soooo sweet! kisses!

  4. I like the nice laid back outfit... ;)
    I am looking for a low heel shoes just like yours, i love the color... xxx

  5. What adorable shoes and how cute is that Target photo! Your post would be perfect to link up for today's Fashion Friday's! If you want to link up, visit the blog, grab the button, add your link, leave a comment, and your linked! Have a fabulous Fashion Friday! Kori xoxo

  6. I'm kind of at a loss with my short-sleeve sweaters too. I'm not sure what kind of weather or season they're for. :)

    Yours sure is cute though - and I like the combination with the blue scarf. That Target picture is adorable! Cute kids!


  7. That Target photo is one of the cutest things I've ever seen!

  8. I read this entire post and although I am not a mom, I feel for you. Your mom saved the day and in the end everybody looked happy at Target. I worked with sick children for many years at Chop and I got a good taste of what parents can go thru. Cute outfit and great shoe color. Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xo

  9. awesome shoes and unique earrings :)

  10. Love this look and thank you so much for the shout out (I remember you commented on that post that you had that sweater and the coral pumps - I had to hunt for a while and I found the post ) Sounds like you are having the kind of week I'm having, be very thankful that you have your Mom nearby. We have no family that live close and my hubby works 7 days a week, so I rarely get any time without the kiddo and it gets rough some days. Hopefully next week will be better. Hey, your pool looks fabulous!!! Thanks again :o)

  11. Very cute :) Nice blog, please check out mine and follow if you'd like :)

  12. Great casual- Chic look! I love the colors of this outfit. I adore the shoes.... you look great.
    That Target picture is so cool, the kids look very cute in the carts, its almost like an Ad photo.
    Hope the work on your house is completed soon, I know what it is like, but when everything is done the feeling is priceless.

  13. This outfit was very casual but chic. The colors are great and love those coral shoes. That Target photo is so adorable that İ am sure Target will pay some bucks to buy and use it!! Give it a try for sure. Since İ have finished all my garden cleaning and easter shopping along with my grandma duties and actually working İ can finally write comments for your blog!!!

  14. great heels and love the scarf with it. your pool is really coming together! laughing at that Target photo. that's exactly what i look like while shopping in the store except my kiddos are eating mac n' cheese and french fries.

  15. You guys could be an ad for Target! That is such a cute picture. I remember the days of kids in the cart at Target. I loved that they opened at 8am, so we had someplace to go wander around before any other stores were open. :)

  16. You look cute! Love the heels. ♥

  17. I love your heels and jeans but I'm not into the short sleeve or sleeveless sweaters.. you are either too cold or too hot.
    I also have a few pieces in my closet but I cannot use them at all.. :(

    adorable picture with the kids btw! :)

    have a nice week!


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