
Friday, April 1, 2011

Friend Friday

Today's Friend Friday topic is Rules of Engagement...

1. Guest posts are a good way to gain new exposure. What do you think is the appropriate way to go about securing a guest spot?
I have not done this yet but if I was to I would reach out to blogs I follow and have built relationships with and have similar followers to post on my blog. As far as being a guest poster on someone else's blog I would respond to emails of blogs again that I know requesting guest posts.
2. Leaving comments is essential to growing your blog. But how can you leave a comment without coming across as ‘Follow Me. Follow Me!’?
I simply leave my comment regarding their post or blog content and sign with my blog url without saying anything else.
If it is a blogger I feel we have a lot in common. I might include in my comment how we are very smilar and invite them to check out my blog and again leave the link.
But, I never write 'please follow me'. They will follow if they like me anyway.
Even if I decide to follow a new blog I would comment saying 'I am a new follower now' but even then I do not ask them to follow me in return.

3. We’ve all gotten a mass email at one time or another asking for blog exposure, a link exchange, etc… But the mass emails don’t work. How do you make your email stand out from the crowd?
I do not do mass emails to create exposure only to ask a question or announce something I know others would find useful. Nor do I ever ask for a link exchange. Again, I beleive people should follow you and link to you if they like you not because you are following them.
4. In interacting with other bloggers where do you draw the line between seeking support and begging for exposure?
I am contemplating doing my first challange and I think that is the one time I would ask my network for support and to join in. I have not really pushed anyone to market my blog.

5. What’s one rule of engagement error you made and how have you remedied that?
I don't think I have made one yet. At least not that I know of. Please let me know if you think I did. :)

To see how the others answered these same questions please see ModlyChic link...


  1. Hello! ... well, to answer you question, I am not the owner but its still very close to me; its a joint venture of my niece, (who after studying fashion Design decided to be a fashion merchandiser instead) and her best friend. My way of supporting them is with the posts and maybe with criticism, some times. I Studied fashion design as well, many years ago (14 yrs) but never worked as a designer, still have the passion and am in the business but I don't sell in the US only export to So America in big quantities.
    About the Legoland question, what happened is that Lego decided to recreate the coming British Royal wedding and I thought model was exposed at Legoland.
    Glad you like Filomena and if you ever have any complaints let me know ... I'll 'pull their ears'.
    Have a happy weekend.

  2. nice questions, for #4 I dealt with similar thing earlier this year, one of the local blogger kept on asking me if I can feature her so she can get exposure, it got to the point where I just said no because she asks so much and too frequent, and after she found out I'm not going to she stopped talking to me all together. sigh. some people.

  3. I don't think you've made any mistakes. :) You're real and genuine and that's the BEST way to be! I like it! :)

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet


Love to hear your thoughts...