
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kate Middleton Fashion and International Blogs

Lili from Relatable Style blog is hosting a 'Kate Middleton Fashion Week'.
To find out more about the event click here.

This was a pretty basic outfit. I could have dug deeper in my suits and find a more similar blazer but I didn't have the time. I also could have worn my high heel brown boots but again this had to be super quick this morning. 
I am meeting a few mommies for dinner tonight and will change into something more dressy so another oufit post will follow tonight or tomorrow!

Nazy Blazer and skinny Jeans - Forever 21
Grey top - Gap
Boots - Newport News 
To see how Lili and others styled this inspiration and to see what tomorrow's inspiration outfit is click HERE!

Today's Activities:
Ok, it is brutal to have to get out of the house by 8:20 AM. We are still down to 1 car and have to drop off my husband to work so I can have the car. I felt so out of it rushing to get out before even having coffee.
No way was I doing the mall thing again today so we drove back to our neighborhood to spend the morning in the indoor play area. Good thing cause the weather is drizzly today. Of course mis calculated the time and had to wait outside for 20 minutes for them to open. The kids made the most of it by running on the grass/sidewalk and capturing poor rolly polly's despite my pleads to be gentel.
Can't wait to get home by nap time to check the tile progress around the pool. Now that the disgusting demo phase is over everyday we see some cool stuff going in. And I finalized the landscaping contract and secured the crew to start on Monday. They will just have to figure out working around the concrete guys for a while.
Now the only thing left to finalize is the pool heater bid. I am so tired of making min. 5 calls a day on this project.

Tiffany from Breakfast with Tiffany tagged me in her post, 10 Things I Love! If you haven't been to her blog, go check her out!! She is such a sweet and fashionable mommy blogger..

1. My Family from core to immediate to extended circle. I love my family and couldn't survive without their love and support.
2. My mommy friends - who understand everything I am going through and make me feel normal when I struggle and feel overwhelmed.
3. My 'Girls' - who keep reminding me I am still the same girl underneath who loves to have fun. 
4. The indoor play area - who allows my kids to play at their heart's contend while I can actually catch up on emails and blogs.
5. Me time. I need that to survive.
6. Shopping. Even if I don't buy I love checking out stores for new styles and ideas.
7. Tulle and lace and how they make me feel all girly and ballerina like.
8. Super short shorts or mini skirts and platform heels and the way they make me feel 6 feet tall and legs for miles.
9. Playing dress up and coming up with cool outfits.
10. Having a clean and organized house where I am caught up with all our personal finances and bills and all the emails in  my inbox as well as my photo albums and sharing.

If you've been tagged, here are the ORIGINAL rules:
- state who tagged you in your post
- state 10 things you love
- tag 10 other bloggers and let them know with a lovely comment...

- You can follow the original above rules if you like... OR
- Pls just mention you have been mentioned in my post and mention my blog url.
But even that only if you want to. I mention blogs cause I like them and nothing else.

I decided to focus on these new International blogs I have discovered.
Some write in both languages, some just in English and some in their own only but you can still enjoy the photos. Very excited about the Turkish ones cause I get to see my home country in the background.
Don't you love following international blogs. They give you such great exposure to a different world and culture. I love it. Even the ones that only write in their own langauge that I do not understand. I enjoy the photos and the scenery.

1. Deniz from Deniz Saatcioglu  (TURKISH)
2. Martina from Fashion's Cult
3. Freesia Blog
4. Just One More (amazing drawings)
5. Mellow Mayoness (the one who introduced me to yesstlyle)
6. Miss. Eggplant's Chronicles
7. Ace Du-Chua from Picture Me Love
8. Watching the Waves
9. Wear a Smile (TURKISH)
10. Alev (TURKISH)


  1. Dead on! Nice job! I really need to get myself more blazers. This is a great casual look.

  2. Wow, you did a great job recreating the look! I love it!

  3. Kombinlerini ve blogunu çok beğendim. Eklemiş olduğun resimler ile kıyaslamada çok farklı, çok beğendim.


  4. I love Kate Middleton. She always looks effortlessly cool. You did a great job recreating the look. I just looked up and saw that Jenny said almost the exact same thing. Oh well, great minds and all that jazz :)

  5. Birebir ayni kiyafet olmus, super!

    Cok tesekkur ederim mention icin. Ben gecen hafta yaptim bu en sevdigim 10 sey postunu ama olsun gene de seni tag lerim mutlaka bir sonraki postta.
    Tesekkurler tekrar

  6. You did a great, great job with this outfit. Love this girl style and you did it better.
    Great links, thanks. Saw some interesting outfits on some of those.
    AGAIN: Love your outfit! you look really nice.

  7. oh wow !!! :D love the boots! and thank you for tagging me. excited to write my own ten things. :D

    xoxo, ace ♥

  8. Your mimickry is amazing. And Kate is a great choice to imitate.

  9. LOVE the look. can't believe that blue blazer is F21!!! Kate is so fashionable, as are you.

    i love an indoor play area. and yes, impossible to get out of the house early. i try my best and often without coffee too. just not a pretty site. but i'm always glad to just get out because in the end i get a lot more done once i leave.

    love the tag!!!

    Claire @

  10. My goodness girl, you did it so beautifully. Enjoying your blog...Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xo

  11. Hello darling,

    You look so amazing!!! I just love your gorgeous boots and blazer! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your lovely words!


  12. it's a great look! have I mentioned that you inspire me a lot?? well, you do. :)

    thanks for tagging me, mentioning my blog here, you made my day! :D
    hope you will enjoy my next posts as well..

    have a wonderful day!

  13. Yay! Thank you so much for participating! You absolutely nailed the look. Your outfit is everything I wanted mine to be - waist length blazer, skinny jeans, boots in a darker brown. Just fabulous!
    Oh, and your link is now up on the outfit site... I had to change the inlinkz settings for it to be visible, and now it is :-D

    Relatable Style

  14. This look is DEAD ON!!! You look fantastic!!

  15. You copied her look perfectly! And you look fabulous doing it!!

    I can't wait to check out these international blogs!


Love to hear your thoughts...