
Thursday, May 26, 2011


I attempted to do this post last month and had a draft saved then blogger went down and lost my draft. So, finally getting around to re-do it tonight.

I have had the honor of receiving a few blogs over the past couple of months!

Award #1:
Want to thank Debbie from Thrifty Girl Vintage who gave me this award on May 10th. To see the award post click here!

Award #2:
Want to thank Wild Ruffle who gave me the same award on May 11th. To see the award post click here!

Award #3:
Want to thank Marusya from the Crashing Red blog for this award which was given tonight!

Here are the rules for both of these awards:
1. Link back to the person who passed you the award
2. Share seven random things about yourself
3. Award 15 blogs
4. Drop them a note and tell them about it
Except I always add feel free to disregard the rules as I know these awards go around...
So, 7 Random Things...
1. I am a neat/organize freak. To the point of re-organizing the dishes in the DW!
2. I like to eat spicy jalapenos with my pop corn and I love pop corn.
3. I love country music!
4. Although compared to my best friend it is not much but I have traveled to some very cool places from attending the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro to visiting the amazon region to safari in Kenya, Africa to name a few.
Yes, I like adventure travel and hope to continue once the kids are older. 
5. I used to hate resorts or regular 5 star hotels. I am all about bed and breakfast and small boutique hotels. But with kids have been converted at least for now.
6. I have a (half) sister and a (half) brother who are totally not related to each other.
7. I keep an excel spreadsheet of my outfit ideas. I am an excel freak, I like to do spreadsheets for everything from planning parties to packing lists to xmas gift ideas and purchases.

I have given similar awards if not these sames ones already to many blogs I follow.
But here are a few new ones....
1. Avy from 'My Mother Fucked Mick Jagger' - I know the title is a bit shocking and from what I can tell she has one of those privileged but troubled lives and she voices her feelings in such a beautiful manner that makes you feel like you are reading an award winning book and not a blog...

2. Carrie from Carrie Fabulous - Just mentioned her yesterday. Her polyvore creations are amazing and affordable and a total inspiration.

3. Ozge from Fashion on Ozge - Turkish blogger from my city (Izmir). She has a fun and chic style and always seems to be uplifting.

4. Liz from Late Afternoon - most of you might know her since her blog is one of those mega popular ones but if you haven't she is one of those worth following to get great inspiration ideas...

5. Joice from Love Joice - another fashion blogger mommy with great style and wearable with kids outfits.

6. Lisa from Stilettos and Diaper Bags - Yes, another fashion blogger mommy that is just so cute and fun. And I really adore her blog title!

7. Carly from Thirty Something Fashion - A mommy fashion blogger over 30 (totally relate) who has amazing style and has been so sincere in her correspondence.

and last but not least

8. Shybiker - A transgendered Lawyer who has very keen perspective as he discussions the fashion industry.

I was also going to post my backyard remodel photos tonight but it is now super late so I am going to have to end it and post this before blogger looses this! Posts with links take forever.

No outfit photos today. Spent the day in one of those matching sweat pant suits. My daughter was sick so I stayed home with her as my friend took my son to Preschool then we picked him up and worked on errands at home....

Here is my sick girl with her juice box watching cartoons as I folded laundry and worked on their preschool scrapbook next to her...


  1. Thank you for the mention!

    I love jalepenos, too, and admire people who can handle them.

  2. Thank you for comment! By the way I'm ff your blog already!
    You're daughter is such a cutie:)


  3. Congratulations.
    She did the outfit post for you :) and looks super cute in those PJs!

  4. First, I love you.
    Second, you desrve every.single.award that you received.
    Third, we can be Excel spreadsheet sisters. I have a spreadsheet for everything. EVERYTHING.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  5. Your daughter favors you; hope she feels better. I know how long those link posts take; that was a shame you had to do it again. I am going to check out some of these blogs. You've got an interesting mix here! Debbie

  6. Your daughter is so cute ! Your blog is lovely =)
    If you like my blog too and wanna follow each other let me know ! Kisses

  7. congrats of the awards! in high school i used to have a journal of all my outfits to help the morning routine go faster...guess nowadays it's excel, lol!

    i wasn't wearing yesterday's outfit @ the water park, lol! i was modestly dressed (as per mini's christian school's chaperone guidelines!!) in a rash guard and board shorts, NO makeup & big sunglasses...riding rides!

  8. Thank you so much for giving me an award! I really appreciated it and I hope your little girl will get better soon! xx

  9. Awwwwwwww, I hope your cutie patootie munchkin feels better asap!

  10. congratulations on the achievements, you are beautiful and adorable daughter. may we be blessed on this Friday. success is always with you

  11. congrats on the awards! you very much deserve them. i love that you're so detail oriented. i wish i was more that way! and i love jalapenos with my hot dog or nachos. i can eat a whole big scoop of them. YUM!

  12. Love your blog...I'm following u now!!!!


  13. OMG!!!the baby is such a cuttie!!! just like an anjel!!! lovely post and lovely blog!!

    please come and visit me on my fashion wandering!!



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