
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Every Body Every Wear - Florals

This is a totally sloppiliy put together outfit. After an amazing outfit weekend I kind of got lazy. Plus we were supposed to go hiking today so not that teasy to make that dressy...

Since I missed the 'inspiration Monday' challange which I love, I really want to at least get in on the
EBEW - Florals challange on the tail end...

Also horribly taken photos as you can see. I didn't even zoom correctly on the floral blouse for heaven's sake.

And look half of my photo shoot I was on the phone with the pool company discussing the last minute addition to the cost due to the dark color we picked! 

More bad photos... 

Floral Blouse - Guess
Cords & Cardi - Forever 21
Hiking Boots - Merrel

To check out the other much better dressed participants at EBEW click HERE!

Today's Activities: Despite the chaos of the morning we managed to get out on time to conquer the somewhat long drive to the designated state park to meet our Outdoor PreSchool class. They had organized a guided nature trail hike designed for 3-5 year olds. I took a big risk and ditched the stroller and allowed my 2 yr old to hike as well. It was great. My son I swear just eats up any opportunity to learn. He was totally guide's pet, walking right beside him, asking questions and answering all his questions even the rhetorical ones. They got to learn about 5 different kinds of flower and even tasted the mustard flower seeds. They touched bugs and listened for rattle snakes and saw running bunny and a lizard. I only had to carry my daughter once or twice and she was able to finish the very short distance hike that still took 45 minutes at their pace.
The kids continued to run and climb rocks while eating lunch around the area. Then got to watch a nature movie in the visitor center before heading home.
After successful naps we went to the indoor play area where my Dad met us and came home with us for dinner.

Here are the kids hiking ahead with their friend and his mom... You can see my son in the blue shirt next to the guide. Daughter is wearing a red shirt...

Listenning to the guide as he explains the rules... 

Checking out a rolly polly! 

Hiking with my girl... 

Pretty Views... 

Class was broken into 4 different groups with separate guides. This was our group... 

On another note... Our pool surface was poured today. It is 'midnight' quartz. Tomorrow is acid wash and actually filling the pool back in!


  1. love the florals mixed with the argyle. so cute. and those red jeans are fab! great outfit and happy belated mother's day!

  2. ne güzel organizasyonlar var, yürüyüşü cok severim ben de istanbuldan haftasonu kacmak için de güzel bir secenek ama cok vakit ayıramıyoruz:(

  3. loved your red pants.
    how nice events for the kids :) I'm sure the kids have learned lots of things at the end :)

  4. Daphne, you look perfectly adorable for that hike! It's casual and comfortable, but still cute. Love it!

    Thanks for voting for my little miss! =)

  5. Hi there! Just wanted you to know I gave you a little shout out on my blog today! Come check it out when you get a chance.:)

  6. don't be so hard on yourself! you look great!

  7. I lovelovelove your outfit. It doesn't look sloppy at all. You have the cool, casual-chic looking going on.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  8. wauw you look so cute to go hiking, I would just wear sweatpants haha but you look gorgeous :)
    very cute photos!


  9. I love the pattern mixing + making floral work for hiking!


  10. I'm a sucker for argyle! Great cardi! And what adorable hike photos. Looks like you all had a blast :)

  11. I love the red jeans with the floral top!


Love to hear your thoughts...