
Friday, May 6, 2011

Friend Friday - SHOES

Today's Fashion Friend Beauty Friday post hosted by
Katy at ModlyChic is about SHOES!

Probably the favorite to all women of all ages and sizes. I know cause my daughters obsessions started before she was 2 years old. It is in their chromosome to like shoes I guess.

1.What is your go-to pair of shoes?
In cold weather when running errands or want to feel comfy - Ugg Boots
In warm weather - crocs or converses or reef flip flops
To feel Sexy and good any one of my 'A-Team' (you will see below) heels or any of my wedges...

2. What goes into your shoe buying decisions?
Foremost style. I only buy shoes to obtain a specific new style or trend. I then think about how often I would wear it depending on its price. If it is expansive it has to be a classic or timeless or something I will wear a lot. If cheap, it can be very trendy or something I will wear a few times. I try to buy shoes in colors or styles I do not currently own to keep increasing the variety in my (you will see) ridicilous shoe collection.

3. The majority of the shoes in your closet are what color?
There are a lot of Blacks and Browns. But I pretty much own a shoe in almost every color it seems.

4. When it comes to designer shoes what are your favorite brands and why?
I find Steve Madden offers the best quality (real leather) in the most trendy styles for very reasonable prices. I have pairs I have worn for years and have held on well.
I also like Guess, Charles David, Aldo and Victoria's Secret own brand.
I love anything from Betsey Johnson, Juicy Couture and Michael Kors.
5. If price wasn’t an issue, you’d own which shoe?
I love Kate Spade, Briat Atwood, Jeffrey Campbell. Some crazy styles of Gucci, Chanel and Manolo Blahnik would be all in my wish list.

To see how others answered their shoe preferences please click HERE!

Also, to see the cool posts on Kori's Blonde Episodes, Fashion Fridays click HERE!
It was so tiring and a huge undertaking but I pushed myself to do this as I have always been wanting to since starting the blog. Which is to showcase all my shoes and really count to see how many I owned.
Are you ready?
Cause be prepared to be pretty amazed. The categories keep on going the numbers are quite emberassing...
There are going to be waaay too many photos but I figure you will just be scrolling them.
Here we go....

THE COUNT = 30 Pairs!

The Count = 10 Pairs!

The Count = 6 Pairs!

2 Winter, 1 Rain, 9 Tall, 7 Short Pairs. Total Count = 19 Pairs!

Only 2 of these are for actual exercise. I actually own 2 more pairs but landed them to my SIL.
So the true count is = 9 Pairs!

These were all purchased for my crazy Costra Rica, The Amazon and Safari in Kenya trips...They stay in boxes in my husband's closet as I will only wear them when I actually travel to rain forests or savanahs!
Total Count = 3 Pairs!

Count = 7 Pairs

What is amazing is 90% of the pairs in this category were purchased after I became pregnant with our first child! The Count = 22 Pairs!

I have not worn 80% of these in a long time...The Count = 7 Pairs!

Lets be honest, I live in Southern CA, flip flops are like the 'the' shoe of this city to wear year-round.
The Count = 14 Pairs!

So, I am not actually going to count these in my total count cause most of these are extra pairs I keep for guests as our entire lower level is this hard porcelain tile you see here. I wear the fun design crock style one and the ugg boot looking steve madden pair the most.
The count = 9 Pairs!

CATEGORY 12: Wedding Shoe 
This was the pair I wore to my first wedding. I absolutely adore these shoes. I would never get rid of them but have not worn them to anywhere else. Count = 1 Pair!

I know you can't see the actual shoes especially in the big group photos so wanted to higlight what I call my 'A Team' Pairs... These are my favorites, my gems! And all have been purchased years and years ago and yet show hardly any wear!
Isabella Fiore white wedge sandals. With stiching on the wedge heel and delicate leaf motif at the end of their ties they are a beauty. And because of that white ring though they are a total pain to wear! :(

Betsey Johnson, yellow polka dot cork wedges. This is the pair I wore on Easter. The silky rose covers almost all of the toes and look so cute. And they are high!

Aaah, these are just sooo cute. Another Betsey Johnson pair. Linen with red patent leather trim and cork wedges. The wedges have the amazing stich work. And you can see the inside lining is even pretty. Piece of art.

This Chanel pair is my most expansive and the most elite designer shoes. I have worn them once or twise on this blog. The tweed body is trimmed with lizard leather. And like all the others they look amazing on.

This Kate Spade pair was a total Sex and the City influenced purchase. Got them on clearance like all the other designer pairs I own from Saks Fifth's outlet store Off Fifth. They look super cute and are very delicate but not that easy to walk in.

This delicately strappy Laundry pair has been worn very few times but they sure can complete the right evening outfit.

So, ready to add it all up?

Not counting the slippers I own a total number of 128 Pairs of Shoes!
Well, I guess that is quite a lot! At least as part of this very overwhelming and tiring exercise I did get rid of at least 5 - 7 pairs of shoes today.

So, you might ask Where do they get stored?

Contrary to popular belief I do not have one of those humangous dreamy closets. I do have a decent size walk in and a very large bedroom/house to spread out though. This closet came with the house so it is not custom designed for my clothes/shoes. So I make the best of it.

In the shoe cubbies I store shoes in their boxes. If the box is not original I will write with a marker what is inside... 

In the 'flat shoe' shelves I try to fit my mostly used pairs... 

In the boot cubbies I try to fit way more than the boots by stacking my other shoes on top. Not pretty I know...Plus You can see 3 boxes in front! 

Under my long hanging clothes I store 4 other pairs of boots and a box of platforms... 

On the other side I squeezed 3 more boxes plus under the blouses I store my two most worn shot pair of boots! 

On the top shelve of the third wall you can see more boxes. These are worn more seldom as I need to a stool to reach them, 


Phew...Well that is it on my shoes!
This sure was tiring but it was nice to take them all out and dust all the shelves with pinesole and sift them out. My closet feels cleaner now.
Imagine now if and when I do a post on my actual clothes! May be if we move I will get motivated to do that. But I still do want to at least give a closet tour. The space is so tight though so it would probably make sense to do a movie photos instead of still photos. We'll see...

Oh, our backyard's concerete project was finished today: 
 They told us it will take 35 days to see our true color. It will get lighter. We opted to not seal it so it won't be slippery for the kids with the pool, even though I love the look of high gloss.

The dirt area is the future 'Play Area'. We are still researching the best affordable ground cover for here.

Here are the kids finally allowed to gently step outside so they are having a celebration mickey lollipops sitting on the sliding door frame...


  1. 128 pairs?! Wowzers! That would take up a whole room hehe.

    Congrats on the backyard!

    Visiting via Fashion Friday :)

  2. That's a lot of shoes! It's funny how you don't realize how many shoes you own until you through them.

  3. wow, i'm coveting your shoe collection. it's amazing! i too have a lot of shoes (though you might have, we're pretty even). i love the Betsey Johnson ones. she makes some wild and crazy cool ones!

  4. çılgın bir ayakkabı koleksiyonu olmuş:)her kadının hayali
    ben yer darlığından eskileri veriyorum:(

  5. harika ayakkabılar bayıldııım=)

  6. damn, woman! i thought i had a lot of shoes (despite the fact that i usually showcase my danys!) you better start sporting all of those lovely shoes in your future posts!

  7. Holy cow! Can I live in your closet?! Please?!

    While the number of your shoes is noteworthy, the quality of their styles is equally laudable. You have lots of beautiful shoes there. I'm jealous!

  8. Hi again. I hope you don't mind but I was so inspired by your shoe-collection that I shared it with my readers. You are a beacon for us all!

  9. Love that you are shoe obsessed - me too! I actually have that Kate Spade snakeskin pair in gold... I wish I had gotten them when they were on sale though.:)

  10. You have great shoes... I'm sure it was a lot of work, I've been trying to do the same but the storing them back part is what I don't like that much. I am amazed of how well organized they are .... when I do my shoe post I will for sure skip that part, there is no way I'm showing the mess on my closet were my shoes are kept :)

    Loved this post. have a happy weekend!

  11. That's a lot of shoes!!!!! WOW! Thanks for linking up honey...loving the pool so far! Kori xoxo

  12. Holy Mother of God...I have 250 pairs of shoes...I have finally met someone with almost as many as me....phew!!! Just joking...I have never counted but I know it is not as many as you. Great post. Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xoxo

  13. your kids are so cute!
    and love your shoe collection and wanna follow each other!

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  14. Oh wow - amazing! It's probably good to take inventory - thanks for sharing! Backyard is looking good!

  15. Wow, cok guzel bir post olmus bu. Ayrica kendimi iyi hissettirdi bana. Cunku hep elestiriliyorum cok fazla ayakkabım var diye. simdi esime gostericem bu postu, gorsun, ben yalniz degilim :))

  16. phew! get confused :)
    I wonder how many pairs of shoes do you have in total :)
    wanna see the rest of them, I' m sure not only those ones you have ;)

  17. Because of your amazing shoe collection alone, I feel like we are destined to become friends.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  18. Wow!! I can't believe how many shoes you have!! Impressive :) found your blog on BMBF and it's so cute!

     Delighted Momma

  19. I am soooo jealous of your shoe collection! I literally want to come and shop in your closet. When do you find the time to wear them all and how long have you had this crazy obsession!?


Love to hear your thoughts...