
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pastel Floral Gone Rogue

Going springy today but keeping on to touch of winter with the boots!   The pure black boots did not look quite right under the pastel floral dress until I added this black leaf neacklace made out of lava rock. Then the look was complete.

This is another one of the $20 yesstyle dresses. The length of this is actually not bad at all. I also plan to wear it as is with just denim sandals but for today wanted to layer just a bit.

Sometimes the tripod action photo works! 

Fun to pose with a hat I always feel! 

Stacked a few delicate charm bracelets over the silver watch...

These boots are quite wearable even in warm weather...  

The dark denim vest is a thrift buy from Filomena's Closet...

Dress -
Denim Vest - Filomena's Closet
Boots & Hat - Forever 21
 Necklace - gift from Mom
Earings - Baby Phat

Today's Activities: It was a super busy day today. Which of course started with me finding out by 8 AM that my car was not fixed and could not be taken from the shop. So had to rush to rent a car (on the repair shop budget) while my husband waited with the kids at home.
Managed to leave the house on time to see the play Beauty and the Beast by a Jr. Theater.
The play was excellent. My 2 yr old's attention span after 1 hour not so much!
I struggled with her as she swung my earings in the air to get her out all because I wouldn't let her dance barefoot in front of the stage. She finally calmed down for us to see the finale. My son was great watching the entire show and loving it.
Afterwards we had a picnic lunch with our friends.
Came home for naps while I met once again a few contractors and went over the progress.
Afterwards we were off to a playdate at a friend's house. My daughter was so happy to be having a playdate for once at a girl's house. She was super excited.
Then we went to my sister and her bf's house for a very nice dinner. Where the kids went crazy over their little puppy dog.


  1. something about floral and denim...always works! pretty dress! did i ask you last time about any fees/taxes from ordering from yesstyle??

  2. the dress is sooo cute! and I'm in love with your boots, they are the coolest! ;)

  3. I love how you toughened up that sweet dress!

  4. LOVING that vest! can't believe you thrifted it. looks great with the floral dress and boots. you're so lucky your kids still nap! sometimes it feels like i'm the only one in our household that WANTS to nap!

  5. I love this look ... Really adorable, that dress is beautiful, I am in love with the sleeves, they bring a 'romantic', soft touch to the outfit.
    You look great.

  6. I love how '90s-inspired this dress is. Very cute!

  7. I'm trying to make my comment go through - for some reason I haven't been able comment on yours and a few other blogs. . . :(

    This is one of my favorite outfits on you ever! You just look so breezy and beautiful. I would have loved a close-up of the necklace, I'm a huuuuge rock nerd and I'm completely intrigued.


  8. What a pretty, feminine frock! Love that you paired it with masculine details!

  9. Such a rockin' the floral dress with the embellished boots and the denim it!

  10. Nice, unusual combination. It works on you.

  11. bu kombini sevdim elbise bot sapka cok uymus:)


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