
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

See You in Sweden

The title comes from the name of the (See you in Sweeden) blog that has inspired today's outfit. Rebecca's style is classic and simple with a touch edgy.  I loved this outfit of her's cause it was using this style hat! 

The weird thing is when I reached for my blue and white plaid shirt I realized it didn't have that red tone she had in her's. Then my husband walked into the master bathroom with his plaid shirt in hand to wear after he showers and I relized it was the exact same pattern/color as hers. But he said no way was I having his shirt so back to my blue and white. 

I love all the layes of this outfit. The shirt, then the blue cardi, then the two toned infiniti scarf all topped with a sequien motorcycle cut jacket! I realize of course in most of the pictures you can't even see the blue cardi! :(

These patent heels were my work shoes which are about 5-6 yrs old. I love their pointy toe. 

So, this hat was my Grandpa's. He was actually known for his Fedora's as far back as I can remember. He was the most fasionable man I know. Always ahead of trends and became a trend himself. And hats were his thing. When he quit all the politics and sold his company (yet did not retire) he grew his hair long and started wearing berets. Looked like a french artist.
So not sure when he wore this hat but it was among his hats in the cabinet and I fell in love with it. It was also one of the very few hats that fit me. I loved wearing it today!

There here you can see a tiny peek of the blue cardi under the jacket! 

Of course once again these heels wouldn't really work during the day, in the rain and going to preschool. So, I dawned on my rain boots and I think they look cool too! 

Lately I have been super motivated to put my entire outfit on and rush downstairs and catch and beg my husband to take my photos before he leaves for work. It just takes so much less time when someone else takes the photos vs. the tripod. And it just feels great that the shoot is already done as I rush through the rest of the morning routine. 

Sequin Moto Jacket - Forever 21
Blue Cardi - Filomen's closet (thrifted)
Infiniti Scarf - TJ Maxx
Blue and White plaid shirt - Forever 21
Dark Skinny Jeans - H&M
Patent Heels - Steve Madden
(Rain Boots - Target)
Hat - My Grandpa's
Today's Activities: Sadly my outfit was only worn today for the first 2 hours! I thought the landscapers wouldn't come since it did rain in the morning but they said they would come by 11 AM. And I was already fully dressed by this point. I took the kids to preschool and stayed until my mom and aunt came over after 1.5 hours to take over and I came back home.
Quickly changed into an old tee and clipped my hair up and got to work with the guys. Had them power wash segments of the yard as I moved and arranged the items so they can clean out another section. I had to re-stack a huge pile of firewood from one area to the next which took forever. My back totally hurts right now. Even held a prospective consulting job interview in the midst of all of this.
When mom brought the kids back I was still on the work call so she put them down for their nap and they left. I decided to stay home so I can clean out all the other furniture in detail, do laundry etc... Kids were happy as long as I kept moving around and changed locations. That is the weird thing. They are fine with me doing physical chores around the house but if I ever sat in front of the computer it is all over. I don't really get it.
I cooked dinner while the kids watched the new netflix scooby doo movie. We did artichokes again and it just amazes me how much the kids love it. They have to ask if they are eating the right side of the leaf each time. My daughter loves to dip in the butter/mayo sauce I make while my son who is on a lifetime diet eats in plain. They both love the heart part too. I need to make it more often.


  1. cute outfit! love the shirt and the two toned scarf! you look comfy and fab as always! and love that you're wearing your grandpa's hat. that's so sweet!

  2. great outfit, the layering and the colours are perfect! It looks super with heels and I also like your boots with it. And you are so right, being a mom doesn't meen we can't get dressed up for everyday things.

  3. Love your outfit and how you put all together, really cute!!!

  4. very cute heels...the classic pointy toes. i wish i could find a pair that doesn't scrunch my toes! i love the textured jacket. too funny the hubs didn't give up his shirt, lol! haven't made artichokes in a while. my daughter loves them, too!

    thanks for your comment. my kids don't get sweets either...not even fruit snacks. i buy those for me, haha! but i try not to have stuff in the house. we eat a lot of popcorn and trail mixes/nuts, and they'll get frozen yogurt or jamba juice as treats. but for me...i'm spoiled at work. our employees bring all kinds of crap to eat! it's killing me!

  5. With the title, at first I thought you are going to Sweden.
    The blue color looks good on you. You and Mr.Freddy have the same fedora hat. Same color and fabric.

  6. This is honestly the nicest thing EVER and you look incredible!! I laughed that you tried to steal the husband's shirt, haha, but it still works with the one you have on! Seriously, hottest mom out there!

  7. I love your jacket, how many cute things can you find in F21? ... love the outfit, I can 'feel' the official return of the pointy toe shoes for fall, unfortunately my feet don't resist that shape but I love the way they look, always sexy.
    My grandfather also used hats every-single-day of his life I can't remember him without a hat. He used to look always so elegant.

  8. Love this outfit and the hat, you look adorable! :)

    xo Lynzy

  9. your ensemble is fabulous! and the rain boots are so cute!!


  10. lovely outfit and great layering!!
    i wish i could do much layering but singapore weather is not that kind these days
    oh and that beret is adorable!
    been long time never wear a beret, probably should give it a try again
    thumbs up for your outfit

    now you can access my blog via

  11. such a beautiful outfit! You look fabulous and incredible as always! Your grandpa's hat is adorable! I just love it! thumbs up for your gorgeous outfit and fashion sweden! :)


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