
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bike Parade

Today's outfit inspiration came from one of my favorite blogs Carrie Fabulous!
To see the post of this combination click HERE!

I love the mix of black and bright brown's don't you?

Check out the funky back of the thank!

 This is the necklace I had bought from a street vendor artist in Turkey off of embarking from the ferry boat by my late Grandpa's house. I will always remember that now when I wear this necklace. It is made of braided real leather with bronze old coins and beads.

Added a variety of brown and gold cuff bracelets to go with the tribal aspect of the outfit...

So you will see the inspiration photo includes a denim jacket. I also added the black straw hat with a brown leather trim...

She wanted to pose with me!

Tank, Shorts, Bracelets, Hat - Forever 21
Belt - Limited
Necklace - from Turkey
Sandals - Boutique 9
Denim Jacket - can't remember, very old...

Today's Activities: Another pretty fun outdoor class this morning. Today's theme was holding an early 4th of July parade. Each kid was asked to bring a ride of some sort. Teacher provided streamers and ribbons to have the kids decorate their rides with. There were strollers (for babies), wagons, tricycles, bikes, ride on toys and scooters of all sorts. Everything looked so colorful and cute. Too bad the sun never came out during our entire 3.5 hour stay at the bayside park. 
My kids on the other hand had a rough morning. My daughter started throwing a tantrum as soon as we arrived when she discovered we did not have an 'Ariel Scooter' for her. Then before even 10 AM they both insisted on constantly asking for food. Followed by her peeing in her pants. Yeah, so wasn't all that great at first but by 11 and all our lunch eaten we calmed down!
Nap and afternoon time was spent doing laundry, researching recipes for our big dinner party Saturday night and creating an elaborate grocery and Costco lists followed by drug store and dry cleaning errands and cooking! It is nice to be right now curled up in front of the couch with a glass of wine!

This was at the 'decorating' stage...

Colorful Bikes!

The Parade Starts!

Here are my little ones trailing behind...

My son has absolutely no interest in bikes or scooters and although all the kids his age are on bikes with training wheels he can't even pedal or steer ( or I should say does not try). So in 2 seconds he deserted his bike and they switched. 
My daughter on the scooter!

I had to help her a lot so we can stay with the group!
 And this is what he did. Ran and pushed the ariel ride on toy all the way...

My daughter than switched to pushing her friend towards the end!

Even without sun the park's view is very pretty...


  1. your daughter is so cute..
    and love your top btw..super!!

  2. Love your outfit! Very nice! By the way your daughter is a cutie :)

    Little Petite

  3. that's a lot of kids! must be the combo of classes you mentioned earlier?! that is the cutest tank ever! love the oomph-worthy detailing on the back! i do like black and brown together...

  4. I love that leopard top!

    What a fun idea to hold a little parade for fourth of July! Hope you had a great time!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  5. Hi,
    I really like your blog!! I have a blog too, it's new born =D
    Take a look to my little blog and follow me if you want =D

    xoxo Lara

  6. Super cute! Love the top! :)

  7. Before I even saw the back of your shirt, I was going to comment on how much I love your top. Now that I have seen the awesomeness of the back, I love it even more.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  8. I wouldn't have expected it, but you make a good Bad Girl!

  9. Love your accessories! Umm how do you have such amazing legs?..please share your secret :)

  10. i love the back of the tank top!!
    ur kids are so cute! :D
    kisses and have a nice weekend!

  11. Gorgeous doors and gorgeous outfit! You make it look HOT!

  12. What a fun post. I love those shoes and beautiful necklace. -xxoo Have a great weekend.

  13. So cute - that tank is adorable! You look great!


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