
Monday, June 13, 2011

Inspiration Monday and lots of random crafts

 This outfit was worn solely for Inspiration Monday challenge hosted by Megan and Nora at Two Birds Blog.

Liv Tyler's outfit was this Monday's Inspiration...

This striped tee I wore actually has a design on it so I wore it inside out to get it to look plain!

The only brown flat sandals I have are those gladiator ones and they didn't look write with this outfit. So, let go of the need to 'not' match I wore my navy flats (my pregnancy purchase back 4 yrs ago)...

Added this nautical belt for interest since otherwise the outfit looked a bit plain to me...
The bottoms are shorts (skort) by the way even though it looks like a skirt.
Striped tee - from Turkey
Navy skort - Forever 21
Belt - Mango (from Turkey)
Flats - Steve Madden

To see others outfits for this challenge click HERE!

So, here is my confession... I did not wear this outfit today. It is way too cold here to wear shorts and a tee. I wore the outfit below as my best match possible given the weather. BUT, then realized I hated the outfit and took half hour to wear what I would have worn had it been warmer...
Totally Blah right?

Today's Activities: Yikes I had to leave the house by 6:45 AM to make it to my infusion appt (I have RA). I was surprised when the nurse said I was done after 30 minutes only to my horror he realized he gave me the wrong medication (mine takes 1.5-2 hrs). Had to page the nurses and the Dr and turns out it is OK as the drugs are very similar. So I was done much earlier and came home. My mom was babysitting.
By 10 AM our playdate guests arrived. Our first craft was this caterpillar snack made out of bananas, PB, pretzels and raisins!

Then we had the kids make Father's Day cards. I google'd cute poems and printed photos of the kids with the person we are giving the card to and they used stickers and tissue paper to decorate. Then we added hand stamps... I am not showing a close-up cause I don't want to spoil the surprise for the fam members who will be reading my blog... These are all my kids' cards actually missing 2 that I already sealed in an envelope to mail. Beside their beloved Daddy and 3 Grandpa's they also have additional male role models in their life to give cards too.

Then for lunch I had cut out this photo/recipe from the Parenting magazine and between the 3 mommies we were able to duplicate. They came out so cute! The sandwich is just classic PB&J. The eyes and mouth is cheese and cucumbers. The nose cheery tomato, the eyebrows carrots, the bow tie cucumbers and the ears are shredded carrots. The purpose is to get kids to eat more veggies...

So we only made 3 as it was very time consuming and hoped each sibling pair would share. Everyone was fine with this except my son who threw a fit when I cut the clown in half. Had to quickly make him a whole one...

And since I wasn't happy about this his clown was mad! He laughed hard at this...

Here are all the kids enjoying the clown sandwiches (and 2 plates of nuggets)...


  1. i love your version of the outfit, especially with that belt. those skorts are cute, too!
    too funny, your angry clown!

  2. The outfit is cute. I respect your ability to put things together: adding the belt was a smart touch. And those skorts make your legs look sooooo long! I need to get a pair of them if that's the magic they create!

  3. you look great! i love how you work it..inside out shirt? love! and that belt is amazing! i also love the kids' snacks. i am so making those banana bugs!

  4. You look way too cute. Love everything about it. :)
    The caterpillar snack is too cute for words!!! Such a great treat for the kids.
    p.s. I'm hosting giveaway! :)


  5. Nice photos

  6. That angry clown face is hysterical. You should start a blog just about the crafts and foods you make with and for your kids!

    I honestly really like your outfit with the jeans, I don't think it's boring at all! The red and yellow combo makes it stand out.

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  7. Love how you got creative and turned the shirt inside out. The nautical look is really fun for summer.

    Also, I LOVE your banana caterpiller! My six year old would love to do something like that.

  8. Love the shoes and those crafts are great! :)

  9. İ love the first outfit a lot but yes it was cold! the skort is very cute and the belt is my favorite. The sandwiches came out great and you should have known better about not cutting Trevor's in half. You know the story about where the word sandwich come from right? İt was named after the Count Sandwich of England when he ordered the waiter to fix some finger food that is very nutritional for him to eat while he is playing golf. His creation was so good and they named it after him.

  10. Love your version, especially that belt!

  11. hey bu kıyafet sana cok yakısmız, kesinlikle daha sık mini giyimelisin, süper bir kombin olmus tatlim...


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