
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pink Feathers

 Yeay, I am back and all dress up. I tried to get this post out last night before going out but didn't have enough time.
This color combination was inspired by this tiny tiny photo in Lucky Magazine's February 2011 issue...
Last time I wore these pants I had combined with them a purple hue shirt as well. So I a guess I am hooked on purple and pink. This also has a touch of hot pink to add some oomph!

Added the pastel floral scarf. The hot pink belt was barely being seen so added the feather earings and that totally worked. I love wearing feathers, let me tell you!
Isn't this purse almost too matching with the outfit. Total coincidence...

Here are the earings close-up. 
I used to be able to put medium size photos size by side in google but now I can't so sorry about the line of photos...

I tried on many different shoes but in the end the he nude heels were the only ones that went just blending with the pants.

These are the pants my mom thrifted from her local 2nd hand store for $2. They are Victoria's secret and had never been worn. I love great finds!

Purple Sweater - Gap
Paste Pink Pants - Thrifted Victoria's Secret
Hot pink belt - Forever 21
Purse - Guess
Scarf - H&M
Feather Earings - Girl Props

Saturday's Activities: This morning both my daughter and I were sooo ready to get out of the house after 3 days of being house bound in potty training. Friday she had 5 successes and 2 accidents, so I was a bit nervous about venturing out and especially the car seat. Put one of those sheet protector squares on the car seat just in case and packed up both the car and my diaper bag with extra bottoms and undies and also packed travel porter potty and nylon bags. I am all prepped.
She did great though. Telling me every time and no accidents. My dad came to her gym class and I was able to take photos as he helped her. The teacher actually said she might be too advanced for her current 2-3 yr old class and we should try the 3-4 yr old class and see. She is not even 2.5 yet. She truly loves this class.

I couldn't catch the exact moment she could lift herself but she can do this! And I can't!!!!

I know that was a lot of photos and this was the elminiated count!
So in the afternoon my husband took the kids to my mom and step dad's and I got ready to go to my best friend's b-day party at her sister's house. Carpooled' with my other friend as it was 30 miles north. We had a great time. 
We played this game called Family Feud and I am told if you grew up in U.S. you probably know this game show. To the shock of everyone at the party I had never seen or heard about it. I had to remind them hello, I am not from this country. But it was easy to pick up and super fun to play. We lost track of time and it was way past midnight before driving back home.

 I had to against my bf...

My BF with her 3 other sisters!


  1. I always love how you link your fashion inspiration photo... i love seeing where people's inspiration for their awesome outfits come from. the outfit, for all the pink and purple, is not super barbie-ish! i like it!

  2. Great style!

    We just started a nice group called Beautiful Mamas where the women talk about fashion.

    I also just wanted to stop by and let you know that we have a really great community at where you would gain INSTANT followers (yes, they really do follow, you'll see) and have a chance to connect with some great women. We also have a directory where you would have a chance to have your site and a few of your content inserted so that it may link directly from our site to yours giving you added traffic.

    Hope you can make it by!

    Have a great weekend,


    Lexie Lane

  3. This is soo cute with the color combo and the earrings with matching purse! İ love the last photo in your shoot a lot it just looks so professional. Juliet's super elastic and strong girl moves are something to show. She is going to be the next gold medal winner for USA if she keeps this up. Happy belated BD Lisa since İ had the kids now is the first moment İ had to myself to write!

  4. Your outfit is super cute! I love how your earrings, bracelet, and purse are all pink but not too matchy-matchy. Your nude heels are fabulous too!

    -Gayle (Pemberley Rose)

    P.S. Thank you for the comment on my blog. :)

  5. Oh, I just love that vivid purple, mixed with the light and bright shades of pink. You look so pretty!

  6. These colors are amazing. They blend so well together and the entire outfit is a smash-hit. Your fashion-successes are a real inspiration to me.

  7. love the vibrant pinks and purples together...especially the feathers!! so glad to hear the potty training went well. haha, yes i know family feud...pretty fun!!

  8. Love the hot pink feathers against the purple cardi!

  9. I love your beautiful feather earrings!

  10. These pants are so cute on you!

  11. Love those pants and shoes! My little girl has the same top your girl has :o)


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