
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Crazy Saturday

 Outfit I had on during the day today. Going out to a club of all places tonight so will post that outfit (which I still have no idea what I am going to wear) later tomorrow...

 This dress was a new purchase earlier this season and this is the first time I am wearing it. It is from Ruche. I love the color and the brown stiching...
 First I wore a brown necklace and it looked fine but then switched to this coral one and I think it looks more interesting. Blue would have also been cool...
Added blue to my wrist instead:
 My roman gladiator sandals. They zip in the back so very easy to put on and off...

Running to the playground for some fun poses...

Dress - Ruche (website)
Cardigan - La Redoute Catalog
Sandals - Victoria's Secret
Necklace - vintage my grandmother's borrowing from my mom.
Bracelet - Forever 21
Watch - Michael Kors

Today's Activities:
This is a super jam packed Saturday! I know we always have crazy days but this is somewhat off the charts...
1. Breakfast Event - left the house at 8 AM for a pancake breakfast at a park and rec center. Kids enjoyed the jumpy and pony rides.
2. Daughter's Ballet Class - I took her in while my husband stayed in the playground with my son.
3. Son's Hip Hop Class - dropped off my son at my mom's so they can take him to his class while we took my daughter home for lunch and nap.
4. Work Pool Party - My husband left to go to a pool party hosted by his work friend. We didn't join cause of kids' nap time.
5. Afternoon pool birthday party - My son's friend's 4 yr old b-day party in the afternoon. I took the kids and my husband met us there.
6. After the kids go to bed my dad is coming to spend the night so we can go out downtown to a club b-day party of our old nanny!
Is it crazy or what!?

Here are some photos from early part of the day:



  1. Yes it was pretty crazy and even got crazier at night:) Outfit was really cool for all day activities and evening you were very hot!! İ love Juliet's tap shoes and i think her face in the row is painting worthy. We like it a lot. Trevor's class was so chaotic we did not find the right time for the picture although you would have İ am sure:)

  2. mercan kolye gercekten de cok güzelmiş, turkuaz bileklik de oyle..

  3. Gorgeous outfit ! Amazing dress and shoes!!

  4. Great outfit, love your use of colours.

  5. Man! You had a jam packed day. It sounds like you needed a night out, lol!

    That dress is gorgeous. The brown and yellow are great and the stiching is fantastic. But those shoes - WHOAH! Those are something fierce!

  6. The breadth of your wardrobe is astounding. And those shoes are incredible. I think you were put on this Earth to be a fashion-blogger.

  7. Really great look! Love those shoes!!!


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