
Friday, July 22, 2011

Edgy Gypsy

 Today's outfit was inspired by the guess ad last year!
 This outfit reminded me of the khaki skirt I bought last year from Turkey with a white trim. And then I thrifted this denim vest last winter so the outfit came together.

 To give that effect of the white fringe she has in her hair I tied my fringed scarf in hair and let the ends dangle on side.
 Had to take these photos super super fast so went to back to my bar area for a quick shoot.

Lizard flats just like her lizard heels...

Added the black studded cuffs for the same effect:

Vest - thrifted from Filomen's closet
Skirt - from Turkey (Guzelyali Izmir'deki bir butikten)
Sandals - Victoria's Secret
Scarf - Boutique in La Jolla

Today's Activities: Luckily one of the mommy's in my group had scheduled something for this morning. A kid gym north of us had open play for $5 a kid. Some place we had never been. Kids are always excited about dong something they have never done (I wonder who they take after?). 4 of us met there with the kids and the kids ran around, climbed and jumped like crazy. We then had them eat the packed lunch in the break room before coming back home. After naps I worked hard to get everything done since I will be taking a whole day off tomorrow for going to Comic-Con. 2 loads of laundry, colored and dried my hair, gave both kids a full bath, cooked dinner, fed the kids and got them ready for bed. My husband came home right during story time. I then paid the bills and did my nails. Now, just need to figure out what to wear tomorrow. My friend tells me it is super hot there and we'll be on our feet for 10 hours so that creates a challenge. I plan to take lots and lots of photos.


  1. your accessories are awesome as usual.. and this khaki skirt is just one i would love to have in my wardrobe..

  2. Love your skirt, so stylish!Chic denim vest!

  3. You look great! I really like the denim vest with the khaki skirt. I will have to try that one.

    And I love your bar! We are currently renovating our family room to include a bar too. Hope it looks as awesome as yours :)


  4. Yes indeed, you look very chic in your "gypsy" outfit.

    Also, love your fedora and a feather necklace from a prev. post.

  5. I love that vest it's so flattering. Im a big vest person. But great look very stylish "gypsy" look.

  6. love the vest! super hot and the martini shaker :D

    pss the feather necklace in your last post is on fire!
    great post

    fashion provocateur

  7. i loved that look in the guess add - what a great take on it xx

  8. how exciting you got to go to comic-con. love the vest. it's such a great look!

  9. That vest is such an awesome find!

  10. Love my edgy gypsy girl:) Great vest and scarf by the way it looks turkish! İ missed a whole week of posts so İ am trying to catch up.


Love to hear your thoughts...