
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Last Night

This was my outfit last night to go to a play with my best friend.

Thought these car photos would be cool. Too bad we were in a under ground parking lot and in a very tight spot to get a good angle...

 This dress is new but was bought months ago. It is very light weight and could look dressy or very casual depending on how you style it.

This was at a spot we stopped for happy hour and appetizers before the play:

I added blue and silver accessories for a punch of color:
 The ornate bracelet was one of the gifts my husband had brought from his business trip to India. I layered it with my other 3 bangle set and it went so nicely together.

The soft cardigan is the same one I wore the other day. Adding black accessories or white would have been too predictable for this outfit. Going with cream was just the tad of unusual I was going for...
 My friend is great at taking my photos and most importantly giving me feedback after each pose. I love how supportive she is of me and my blog. Cause she is the type of person who hates taking photos or having her photos taken and add to that doing it in total public. But she does it for me!

These wedges are super cool and comfy but my got are they unstable to walk in. I almost sprained my ankle twice last night!
Dress - Forever 21
Cardigan -
Necklace - Bebe
Bangles - can't remember
Bracelet - from India
Wedges - Soda (from Marshall's)

LAST NIGHT: So, at first I was doing great getting ready myself and the kids and their swim bag etc... Then all hell broke loose when my son announced 'THERE IS A HUGE MESS'! My daughter is in this horrible stage of not potty trained but also  not wanting to wear pull-ups (or diapers). So she had pooped in her pull-up then decided to take it off and got it all over herself and was crying. Of course this had to happen on my son's white carpeted room! I was sweating like crazy trying to give her a bath (before swim class!) washing the night gown, disposing the diaper, and cleanning up the carpet. 
Nothing like wearing a silky dress and putting on make-up and then cleanning up poop! The thought that I would be sipping a cocktail and chatting with my friend in total bliss in an hour was what kept me going. 
I was the dressiest person at the pool even though I wore flip flops and ditched all the bracelets for now. 
My husband was great and showed up even earlier so I could leave right away to meet my friend.
We had a nice happy hour outdoors and made it just in time (actually a bit late) to the play. 
The play was called 'Peer Gynt' It was quite an odd story but very good acting. 
She had gotten these tickets at 50% off so that part was great.

Here is my best friend at the happy hour spot:


  1. so sweet of your friend to take your photos! you look great in that dress. i love the studs and snap details on your shoes, but i'm kinda weary wearing mine as well...that's one thing i hate about skinnier wedges - the twisting your ankle part! but, hey, at least you look good!


  2. Well except for the poop, it sounds like you had a great time! :) That dress is fantastic!

  3. I agree with Melissa about the poop! Potty training is so not fun!

    I really like your dress and the bracelet your husband got you is awesome!


  4. What an elegant outfit. It's nice to see you looking so sophisticated for an evening out.

    Boy, being a mom is hard work...

  5. oh man, so sorry about the poop situation! in RI we were on our way to meet everyone for dinner when my daughter fell asleep then peed in the stroller. i went crazy cuz we were running late but had to run upstairs, bathe her, and wash the stroller. potty training is so tough!

    on a happy note though, you look gorgeous. that outfit is beautiful. love the dress and those shoes are fab. i'm surprised they're not more sturdy since their wedges!

  6. tüm aksesuarlara bayıldım,harika görünüyorsun :)

  7. The dress looks beautiful with that cardigan and those gorgeous bracelets İ always new Jon has very good taste. Love the car photos especailly the second one looks like a page of parfume commercial from a fashion magazine since no dress is showing! Lisa looks very pretty with her highlighted hair.


Love to hear your thoughts...