
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pin Up Girl

Doesn't this outfit remind you of the pin-up girl poster outfits from the 50s?
I have been wanting to wear this romper since I bought it! I love everything about it, the color, the style, the material! Except that it is a romper and as with any romper going to the bathroom is always a hassle. This one especially with a zipper back that I can not zip all the way up myself! I managed to keep my day to one bathroom break and had my friends help.

Added the big sun hat for that retro look!

 These wedges were perfect (you know if I had a normal life with grown up activities) but since I don't I swapped them for white flip flops afterwards.

 The multi layered beaded and feather necklace looks really cool. I have to admit this is not my idea though, it was displayed like this in the store.

 One of the other bloggers have given me this tip of how to pose with a big sun hat: "lift up your head to the light and pull back the hat rim'. Works like a charm!

Romper, necklace, hat, sunglasses - Forever 21
Wedges - Victoria's Secret 

First I forgot to mention when I rushed to end my post yesterday is that 'my girls' were coming after all kids' bed time to have a jacuzzi night together. It was a lot of fun. We had snacks and wine and chatted the night away. My husband had to come out couple times to let us know we needed it to keep it down and that he could hear us from the front of the house!

Went to Sea World with a big group. Mommies from my group as well as preschool. 
Even managed to get a group photo and realized we look like some scary army with our double strollers and multiple kids!

Visited the new Turtle Reef area. Kids playing the 'turtle video game'...

Got a perfect shot of my little princess with the turtle statue:

And saying 'hi' to the turtle visitor...

The surfboards outside of the turtle reef area was a perfect back-drop for a pose (I did wear the hat by the way just took it on and off depending on what I was doing):

Then we went to the 'Bay of Play' area:

Switched the kids to their swim gear and had them splash in the wet zone:

Seasame Street Characters came out for a little musical show: 

Kid pausing to watch the show!

Of course in between this splashing time had an awful 'poop in swim suit' situation with my daughter. There comes a point during motherhood where you just stop getting grossed out about poop. After wiping everywhere and putting a new pull up on her she started throwing a tantrum that she didn't want to get wet with a diaper. So then we had to go the bathroom to wash out the swim suit with soap and water and have her put it back on. Than goodness my friends were able to watch my son so I didn't have to pull him out. Then we had a nice lunch on the patio table area. We all bring our own lunch cause sea world food sucks. Not only does it cost a fortune but it also does not taste good and kids never eat it. Plus the lines are insane and kids get hungry and nibble throughout the day.  Learned a long time ago it is much more efficient to pack and bring lunch.

After naps we'll be doing the roller coaster trip to the my gym so I can take the 'body pump' class with my friend. It will involve packing dinner this time, getting there early feeding the kids dinner and having them play a little while before checking them in the kids club area of the gym. Then after our class we'll be changing them into PJs and bringing them home for bed. And I am sure I will wonder again if I burned more calories during all the before and after activity or the class itself!


  1. You look amazing!
    I love that pin up look, and the necklace is gorgeous!


  2. i love the pin up look! it's that oomph-worthy white piping. great necklace, too! boy, you got a full day! your jacuzi looks so nice...funny that your husband had to "shhshh" you guys!

    as for the coffee runs last week, my daughter was at the office all week, so we took an afternoon break to get her a treat, and then she was willing to take pictures! lol.


  3. That blue romper is too cute! Love the way you styled it with the floppy hat and wedges. Great look!


  4. pin up is right! you are looking so fabulous :)

  5. I love this look! Looks like you are having a great week so far! :)

  6. Wolf whistle! (I can't think of how to write the sound of one out so I'm being very literal.) LOVE the floppy hat. And yes, at some point poop just becomes part of the day. My husband and I were laughing at how much conversation we devote to BMs now that we're parents.


  7. wowo...the necklace stole my heart.

  8. harika görünüorsun özellikle bebeklerine hastayım gözde ne kadar tatlı oluklarından bahsediyor hep:)

  9. what a great retro outfit!!! so adorable and you look just like a pinup!

  10. FAVORITE OUTFIT alert....
    You look amazing in this fits you to perfection and you totally are rocking this pin up girl look...and as I say to all my clients...its often about how you FEEL in an outfit or accessory and judging from the photos you feel FABULOUS in this.
    Love it.

  11. This looks AMAZING on you! You definitely look like a pin up girl! I give you some mad props for pulling this off, because I cannot do a romper because I have to pee way too many times in a day!


  12. I love the pin up look on you, it looks so classy and adorable ! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, in my next trip to the USA I'd like to visit California :)

  13. The retro look suits you. the romper is so stylish, I love vintage inspired outfits, and love your hat!

  14. Love this look on you - so fab! Great job!!! You must be the busiest lady on the planet, I get tired just reading your posts - lol! Unfortunately I've not found any mommies in my area who I have clicked with. Certainly my mommy group never did all the fun stuff you all do. I'm jealous ;o)

  15. The hat weared by this lady is so beautiful. Its full size gives her nice protection from sun light and heat.

    Ladies Hat

  16. Just found your blog
    love it

    Check out my new post: Red Lips
    Would love to have you as a follower

  17. Super cute romper! That would be great on a date night too.

    Poop issues are not fun. we had several of those during my daughter's birthday party. Not fun.

  18. Defne' cim tam pin up girl olmussun hakkaten, cok tatlisin. Tulumuna bayildim, sapka da olayi tamamlamis. Benim hic yok maalesef bu tarz kiyafetlerim, pek kendime yakistiramiyorum sanirim 50 leri, hanim hanimcik olmak pek benlik diil :))

  19. I am very excited about my Japanese Digital Perm, only if my hair would grow faster!!! My birthday is August 22nd! I have plans go shopping at an amazing thrift store here in Sydney with a friend as my birthday celebration and then hold off again shopping until maybe September when winter items go on sale! I'm just a really big minimalist, plus we have no furniture since we're only living in Sydney for 3 years, so my plans are to buy staples like a leather bomber, thrifted fur coat, quality trench coat, etc

  20. Denizcim inan hanim hanimcik olmak hic Defne ye gore de degil bu kandirici bir kiyafet:)(Defnenin annesinden bir not!) İ love the rero look on you but like İ said it is not you at all! Especially the picture on the steps look like a calender page.

  21. Looks like you all had an awesome time! I'm new here. Glad I found your blog. I too, believe that we mothers should embrace fashion in spite of motherhood. More power to your blog!


  22. LOVE this look! Total pin up vibe! you look amazing!

  23. What a sexy outfit! You look great!:D

    ***** Marie ******


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