
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Shelter Island

 Not at all crazy about today's outfit, but you know me once I commit I go with it...

 This green sweater top goes fine on the maxi floral dress. I even added a hot pink belt for interest but just not doing it for me...

My attempt on the front braid... I am so not good at this braiding thing...

The only thing I liked about today's outfit was adding these peacock feather and the pink hair clips in my hair!

Top - Ann Taylor
Dress - YesStyle
Belt - Forever 21
Flip Flops - Target

And the 2nd photo shoot at the preschool park location today:

 You can see I ditched the sweater right away as it was scorching hot there....

The playground we met up with PreSchool today was so pretty. I have been to this area before a million times but still each time you realize how lucky we are to live in such a gorgeous city where everyday can feel like a vacation... Just you know without the relaxation part. I meant just the location aspect of it!
 Not the safest park with the parking lot on one side and the rocks and water aspect on the other side but a pretty one....

Circle time under this beautiful tree:

The teacher did this whole walk around the parachute game. This one they are a robot: My son in the plaid shorts...
Here it is just a run I think. You can see my daughter in the red dress:

More parachute play:

Cool statues:

Across the street is the other side of the bay with all the sail boats:

There were people fishing there and they caught one:

Kids were of course mesmerized:

My daughter checking out the caught fish. 

With her side braid to match mommy sitting on top of another statute:

Well, the kids did not mind the heat and must have ran 20 laps around the playground. We kept getting worried they would get a heat stroke. We didn't drink a drop of our own water to make sure we had enough for the kids and it was barely enough.
Of course they crashed hard and napped at home. My friend came over with her kids used the pool in secret while mine slept. Then we cooked dinner and packed it all up and the kids for the gym. The sign up for the class was stupid. We had to go there an hour in advance then wait and get a card. Later we found out we could have just paid $1 to reserve a spot. So we reserved next week to not deal with that chaos.
Picked a spot near the gym to feed the kids dinner. By the time we got them back in the gym and checked in the kids club we were exhausted. I think we might have burned more calories getting ready to exercise than the exercise class itself!
But then the class kicked our butt. I might not be able to walk tomorrow! It was a very fast paced barbell weight class. And you know when you get out of a class like that you like to continue chugging your water and leisurely walk to your car etc... Well, we had to rush in to the kids club change 4 kids into PJs and lug them back to car then home to bed. A lot of effort for 1 hour of exercise, let me tell you!


  1. i think im in love with your blog... you write in such a way that your life yet so simple looks so nice and appealing to me. LOL. Me and my sister have seen all of your pics and they were great.. great means really awesome. I ike the way you carry your each dress. And i love watching your kids to since u make sure that your kids also look good. I really enjoy your blog and reading it is like my everyday thing here.


  2. I loved that Indian princess post.. and if you ever want I can gift you another shawl or silk scarf whatever u feel to take from INDIA as a token of our friendship and I would love to see the same on your blog.

    Have fun c u tomorrow

  3. I love your blog! it is so personal and warm. that is quite a lovely dress you are wearing and the pink and green looks so good together. You look pretty. I love the photos of the kids. So cute!

  4. what a full day! you guys have the best parks around town! i actually like the outfit with the green sweater and pink belt...and the hair feathers are cool! saw some at a farmer's market, but they were selling for $20...wasn't sure if that was cheap or expensive.

  5. Lovely dress! Looks like you had a fun time!

  6. I really like the sweater over the dress. It looks really pulled together and pretty by adding the pink belt.

    You have such a beautiful family and seem to really enjoy being a mom. I enjoy every second of it, they grow up so fast!

  7. i love the fact that you share your family life with us! your kids are just adorable as always!

    i gave you an award by the way :) do check out my blog


  8. Hey my dear baby, İ am in love with your side braid and all those feathers and also Juliet's matching braid:) İ also love the outfit and the dress and miss you guys already. We might be going tomorrow if not İ will see you tomorrow!


Love to hear your thoughts...