
Friday, July 29, 2011

Where Do I Blog From? - Visiual FBFF

Suze of Miss Vinyl Ahoy is hosting this visual topic for  
Fashion Beauty Friend Friday.
She wants to see where we blog from. Be it your office, room, the local coffee shop, whatever... show us your natural blogging habitat. 
*FBFF group is created by Katy from Modly Chic!

Blogging spot #1 - Living Room
I mostly blog from here in my living room, sitting on this couch and watching a tivo'd show of some sort while blogging.
My pink laptop!
I use this lap tray which I brought from Turkey to hold the laptop on my lap. I also use a cordless mouse cause I can't stand the mouse pad of the laptops.

Blogging Spot #2 - Office
 I occasionally blog from our office upstairs. Especially if I also have bills to pay and balance the checkbook...
This is an antique 'partner' desk. As you can see it has two openings for two people to work at the same time. Works great for my husband and I. It is so wide though that the door frame had to come out to get it in the room!
 These are the frames on my desk:

While I was in the office with a camera, I decided to take more photos of the room.

This is the glass door. We got this idea in another house while we were house shopping. It is nice when we are on work conference calls and the kids can see us but not be able to come in.
 You probably already got the fact that the room is decorated in a nautical theme. Our previous house was an ocean view cottage and all these decorations were on our deck. Instead of getting rid of them decided to use them all in our office. Came out great...
 The multi photo frame is from our trip to Maine. It is my picture with the different lighthouses we visited. The wall decorations are from an antique store there.  I am somewhat fascinated with lighthouses!

 I came up with this idea all on my own. Kept the top shelf low enough and used a netting to decorate the inside and hang sea shells.

Below are some other decorations on the book shelves all collected from various trips (including Turkey).
Since the shelves are covered with glass doors I can afford to use little decorations and not worry about dust!

These are the only open shelves so they display large objects. The top is an antique from my Grandpa's old office. The typewriter is another antique I purchased. I was very into antiques.

Bougth this weathered trunk from a garage sale. It now holds our printer. I am curious now what is inside. I haven't looked in ages.

To See where others blog from, click HERE!


  1. İ love all your decorations and you look so cute blogging in your natural habitat. İ want to tell you and all of you that they have Ugg boots on sale at Marshall's for $99 but only in periwinkle . İ bought one!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I LOVE your nautical themed office. I grew up on Lake Erie so I have a thing for lighthouses and anything related to the water.


  3. I like the antique desk and all of the nautical decorations. You have a really cute office.

  4. Can I tell you how CRAZY jealous I am of your home office?!?

  5. Fun! Love your home office - gorgeous!

  6. I love your bookshelves for your office! Love the wall color too ;) xo

  7. Ne keyifli bir post olmus bu Defne'cim, cok hosuma gitti. Koltugun cok rahat gorunuyor ama dikkat et, genelde o pozisyonda calisiyorsan, buyun agrilari baslayabilir.Benim esim sirf o yuzden boyun fitigi oldu maalesef. Aslinda en sagliklisi, masada calismak ama her zaman yapamiyor iste insan.
    Iyi haftasonlari

  8. Your office is so well-themed and decorated, it's very sweet. I like the idea of a glass door, that's very cool!
    :) f
    The House in the Clouds

  9. I love your pink laptop! I wish I had one of those. Mine is boring black.

  10. Your laptop is soo cute! I'm also envious of your home office, I hope I can get mine organized like yours. :)


Love to hear your thoughts...