
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jewel of the Missions

 Had one heck of a day today! 3 of us decided to create this elaborate field trip to take the kids on the coastline Amtrak train to a very cute historic town north of us. Knowing it was going to be a nice and warm day I chose to wear this bustier top I scored from TJ Maxx couple months ago.
 Finally an outfit post with some cool backgrounds today!
This one is at the train station!

 I ditched the hat after those initial photos. I tried to keep it on but the flaps kept cutting my peripheral vision and it was annoying. Anyone know of a trick to avoid that with floppy hats like these?

Thought the blue and white top would really pop over yellow. My husband did not think so but you know...
I had to ask my friend to bring a tank top for me though cause this top is somewhat short and the shorts are low riders and the combo paired with running after kids did not work and I realized that just sitting in the car driving. So put on the tank top she brought in the train and it was pure comfort!

And this is just a proof of why I almost always do my photo shoots at home! Thought this came out cute though! My son of course fell moments after this shot and scraped his leg! 

These photos are taken at the historic mission in the town. Such a beautiful place!

Hey you can see my blue eyeshadow!

Bustier Top - Jessica Simpson
Shorts - Target
Sandals - Boutique 9
Hat - Forever 21
Bracelets - from Turkey

Today's Activities: As I mentioned we did a big trip today. Left the house before 8 and drove north to meet my friends at the (Salona Beach) train station. My husband had bought us a dozen bagels and cream cheese so we ate breakfast in the train. The kids loved being in the train and mostly not being strapped.
The town we visited is called San Juan Capistrano. It is just the cutest little town with a historic district. We first visited the big Mission there. Kids loved the koi ponds the big ruins and bells and flowers covered with caterpillars and butterflies. After the mission we went to the huge petting zoo they have there. Had them feed many animals ride big ponies and horses and a train. Then it was onto a nice patio lunch at the cutest little cafe by the station. It was exhausting but also lots of fun. I really enjoyed touring the Mission.
Hope you enjoy the photos...

The gang in the train:

~ San Juan Capistrano Mission (website) ~

My kids are the ones in sunglasses...

I loved these bells!

 Kids chasing the flowers that were blowing in the wind in circles!

You can get a feel of the grandness of the place when you see it with the tiny kids!

More Bells!

Here are all 6 kids in the same photo!
Another group photos right before we left this beautiful place!

~ At the Petting Zoo ~

After lunch treat!

And the brave mommies who made it all happen. Funny how when you take the kids out of the photo you realize how outnumbered we were!

Of course do not be fooled by the happy poses of these photos. It was a lot of fun but it was not without meltdowns and tantrums and fights and timeouts. That is just life with kids though. At the end you only remember the fun part!


  1. That was such a lovely post to read with such fab photos :)
    Looked like a lovely time was had by all!

    Ps totally know what you mean about tantrums and meltdowns,but you're so right, those bits are easily forgotten(thankfully lol!)

  2. Love love love this outfit. great color combo blu stripes over yellow and top it with black! Love your eye shadow with blue earrings. All the pictures you took are beautiful especially the one of you and the kids and the kids with the grand place! İtr looks so much fun but but it is hard for me to take the melt downs:)))

  3. That hat is sooo glamorous! You look so radiant! I love this outfit on you! Perfect for a day out with the kids :)

  4. Super cute and super chic! Love this look!

  5. Great post - love the outfit and the pictures are so beautiful!!! Looks like you all had a blast!

  6. ayakkabı sapka sort bluz hepsi cok yakısmıs, hrika kombinlemişsin...
    pozlar da cok şuh;)

  7. Looks like a fun outing! Love your hat and eyeshadow and the kids shades! ;)

  8. These are great pictures! I love that top.

  9. Great post! You always have the most amazing photos! You look super cute and stylish.

  10. You and your friends are such great mommies! All mommies look great! The photos of you with the columns are so beautiful!

  11. WOW,I am in love with your hat and bag!

  12. love your hat :)
    Love Lois xxx

  13. WOW you are one stylish mommy! I love the outfit! The yellow shorts are perfect for summer!

  14. I love all the pictures! The hat looked very glamorous but I know what you mean about the floppiness. Maybe just for lounging around the pool and looking fabulous? :)


  15. I love your outfit and the hat is just too cute, my favorite is the yellow short, I never know that I like yellow until I saw your short and the sandal is so stylish! great post dear! xx Joice

  16. gorgeous photos, you look like such a glamorous mum!

    I love the freshness of the yellow shorts against the thick sandals.

    check out:


  17. love that first pic!

    xo Ashleigh


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