
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ruffle Shorts

 This outfit is direct from the Forever 21 website photo! I ordered these crazy short ruffle shorts when I saw this photo!
 I paired it with my super similar blue and white plaid blouse and the rugged brown boots! But added a white beret instead and no tights since it is summer here.
 The weather was chilly in the morning so the beret, the 3/4 sleeve blouse and the boots did not look or feel weird. Just until the scorching sun came out and I immediately ditched the hat!
 Ruffles continue all the way around! I have to say though these were a bit too short for comfort even for me! The good thing is they stay put so no surprises but just quite short especially in the back.

Trying slightly different locations!

Blouse, shorts, Beret - Forever 21
Boots - Steve Madden

I dressed my daughter in a skirt in the same matching blue and white plaid. But my attempts to take a photo with her was unsuccessful.
She insisted on counting her twinkles on her shoes in this photo:
 Then started crying when I tried to get her to stand which is why I gave up. Notice my son is playing some sort of hide and seek in the background during this!

TODAY's ACTIVITIES: Met up with my Sister-in-law, her sister who is visiting from New Orleans and my nephew at the zoo this morning.
We took the sky safari to the top of the zoo first so we can cut down on the walking:

My little nephew slept most of the time but was awake by lunch!

Kids getting to know their baby cousin:

Here is the little man:

I am his 'hala' which is aunt in Turkish but specifically identifies father's sister. We have 3 different titles for aunt! My SIL for example is 'Yenge' to my kids while my sister is 'Teyze' to them! It is so hard when you are little to keep these straight!

In front of the giraffe's. You can even see my nephew's face between the stroller bars!

With my little man who seems to still be fascinated by lions!


  1. Those shorts are so darn cute! Anything with ruffles is great in my opinion. Love how you paired the boots and the plaid to give it a little more of an edgy feel to play against the ruffles.


  2. Çok güzel bir kombin olmuş, kızınla uyumunuzu da fark etmedim değil :)

  3. Oh, can I have a pair of these?! Please?!

    They're delightful. I'd wear them in an instant.

    Sorry your daughter didn't realize the significance of being photographed for the blog; I guess that comes a few years later.

  4. Cute shorts! you look great!

  5. Cute cute shorts! LOVE anything with ruffles practically :)

  6. İ finally come to like these boots with that ruffled shorts they really look great together.
    Your day looks fun . You have managed really cool side braid for Juliet looks cute and yes Trevor is still fascinated with lions:) Baby George is a spitting image of his mother and sooo cute!Can't wait to see him this Sunday.

  7. What a cute pair of shorts! You did a great job imitating the website photo~I think I actually like your shirt better :) Adorable kiddos, too!

  8. wow, love these shorts! great job, bravo!

  9. Adorable retro!
    Why is that toddlers just can't take good photos...I have Connors 2 year shots coming up and I am preparing for a total nightmare...he doesn't sit still for a should be interesting.

  10. The shorts are a hit!
    And it makes for the perfect "relaxed but still put together" look. Great for a day at the zoo.

    I want those shorts!

  11. u looks awesome in ur outfit and ur white cap or hat is so beautiful...........


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