
Monday, November 7, 2011

Casually Chic

 Very casual and basic outfit today. Normally I wouldn't even post an outfit like this but I had an inspiration photo and everything so why not... I got the idea from the Victoria's Secret Catalog:
The thin scarf on the right small photo reminded me of these crochet skinny scarves I have from years ago. I have 3, one in pink, one in cream and one in brown. Wearing them over a henley topped with a beret created a very casual and effortless look. I went with uggs for convenience.

 Here I am yelling at the kids probably to not do something. Usually I manage to make a sudden turn and smile or pose when the timer clicks but not this time!
Henley - Guess
Jeans - Old Navy
Beret and Scarf - Forever 21
Boots - Uggs

My son woke up with a fever today (after a rough night of getting up a few times) so didn't do preschool and stayed home with both. We managed to spend the morning watching TV and creating their xmas wish list. Every year many members of my family ask what the kids want. So I send one giant list of ideas and they can let each other know who got what to not overlap. Both kids already decided what they want from Santa too.
And from us we are going with practical things like a big bed for my son and possibly a loveseat for my daughter. Before lunch managed to get them dressed and ventured out for a nature walk. Luckily a few of our neighbors have oak and pine trees and we were able to collect a few dry leaves and pine cones and pine needles to make  fall basket centerpiece!
In the afternoon my mom came over to babysit so I can go to my dentist appointment.

Today my husband and I also started the 'Dukan Diet'!
The first 3 days is pure protein with no carbs, fruit or veggies and no fat. BUT, you can eat as much of the allowed food as you can.
Breakfast was this 'pancake' made out of yogurt, eggs and a teaspoon of oat bran which is the only thing allowed per day when it comes to carbs.
For lunch I baked a huge salmon filet and the kids and I devoured it. It was so good.
Had a chicken and turkey cold cut and a non fat slice of cheese for snack.
Dinner was a big chicken breast cooked with a mustard sauce. And as a snack I had a fruit flavored non fat yogurt. All non fat dairy is allowed. And lots lots lots of water which makes me pee a lot!
Did not really feel hungry but am very tired. Hope I am not catching what my son has.


  1. Hope your son is feeling better!

    I like your outfit even though it's casual. Glad you decided to post it! And that photo of you yelling at the kids is hilarious. It's real life you know? Heather

  2. your kids are just so adorable!


  3. That pink is a great color on you! I hope your son is feeling better!


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