
Friday, November 11, 2011

Shopping for Dad and Visual FBFF

 Today's outfit was inspired by a magazine photo but I forgot to take a picture of it. I wouldn't have though of pairing animal print scarf with stripes but it does work. The forecast keeps saying the weather is supposed to be in low 70s but honestly we do not feel that way so I continue to dress for fall and feel perfectly comfortable.
 This ruffle trim trench is soft and comfy...

Trench - Guess
Striped top - From Turkey
Scarf - TJ Maxx
Jeans & Boots - Forever 21

Today I am also participating in the 
Visual Friend Friday 
hosted by 
 We are supposed to post a photo of ourselves with no make-up and talk about our 'relationship' with make-up.
Here is my 'natural' face photo:
 As you probably noticed this is not really that different than my look on any normal day. Hence why I pose with sunglasses so frequently. I 'love' make-up but I rarely 'use' make-up. I am somewhat obsessive about my facial routine and cleansing and when I put make-up on I just can't wait to take it off and clean my face. So, my daily make-up routine consists of a moisterizing primer, concealer for under eyes, a mineral powder that is barely there (my mom is not sure why I bother with it) and a bronzer used as a blush.
If I feel adventurous I might add some eye shadow.
I only wear eye liner and mascara if I am going out at night on a special occasion.
To see others' natural faces click HERE!

Since today was Veteran's Day here in USA no pre-school, so we went to the indoor play area and met 2 other friends there. Of course it was a zoo but the kids had fun. After naps we drove up north for my son's T-Ball. But we didn't stay and hang around like we normally do afterwards and had dinner with friends. Instead we rushed home and had the dinner I had cooked earlier in the day. Then I picked up my Dad to do some b-day shopping for him. He obviously had not idea when he agreed cause he was overwhelmed with all the sifting of clothes, looking at everything trying on so many things. But we did have fun especially with the hats. Since chemo he wears a hat all the time which looks great but for going out or special occasions we were (well 'I') was trying to find a hat besides the 'charges' or the 'usta' baseball cap. These were the only ones I could convince him on.  And I used my new i-phone to take some photos and it takes quite amazing ones.
Here are some outfits we got for Dad. I can't get them to rotate for some reason even though they are rotating on my computer.

And here is a photo of my little monkey as I was testing the phone camera...


  1. The trenchcoat looks great:)
    Check out mine, following would be great:)

  2. Aw love the shopping for dad pics :) hehe I totally wear oversized glasses when I don't want to put makeup on

  3. botlar süperrrrr !

  4. Love your scarf! Hope you're having a great weekend honey! Kori xoxo

  5. I absolutely love the back of the trench coat! Very pretty!

  6. Before I read your write up I thought your natural picture was very similar to the others then you said the same thing.

  7. trench ve botlar harika görünüyor ve sana çok yakışmış :)

  8. Lovely trench coat!!!!

  9. Love this look and the owl tee! :)

  10. Defnecim ilk resimlerdeki fularin çok ho$, çok çok begendim ! ^^


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