
Friday, July 13, 2012

Geeking it Up

 This was my outfit for a *very* long day at Comic Con yesterday!
The 'star wars' t-shirt was a gift from my mom to my husband. Therefore it is 3 sizes too big on me but I tucked in to make up for it. I got these neon pink skinnies from our walk in Pacific Beach the other night and it was perfect bright color with the tee.
Adding our flares (pins collected from past and present Comic con all give away free ones)...
 The obnoxiously giant comic con bag given to all attendees. The other side has a photo of a TV show. Everyone has a different show... Mine was big bang theory but I am swapping with my cousin who has fringe which then I will swap that with my friend for Vampire diaries!
 T-shirt - Marshall's
Jeans & Hat - Pink Zone
Sneakers - Puma
Wallet purse - Guess

I got up at 3:40 AM! and left the house at 4 AM to first drop off my car at my mom's so she has car seats then my friend picked me up and we drove to take the 5 AM shuttle to comic con. We were in the infamous 'twilight panel' line by 5:30 AM! And the line was already past in front of the hilton hotel building (so very far). However by 8 AM they condensed the line by having campers in the tented area pack up and form 3 lines instead of one which then moved us to the first tent which was super close!

I brought an airplane blanket so we at least had something semi-soft to sit on. I packed 4 magazines my book and snacks. We were in line for almost 6 hours!

Finally inside the famous 'Hall H' of comic con which holds 6500 people! It was completely full before twilight panel started around 12:45 PM!
I have to say (for me anyway) the best part was them showing the first 7 minutes of the movie which will be released mid November.
All the stars were there and Stephanie Myers of course.
I was strongly disappointed with the level of professionalism and intelligence of the panel overall. Stephanie was fine and Taylor Lautner (Jacob) was OK as well. But my goodness Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were either on drugs or they really need to go back to school to continue their education or take some classes in public appearance. They were so awkward and uncomfortable and couldn't form a single articulate sentence. You would think they were some high school geeks appearing on TV for the first time. They couldn't even comprehend the simplest questions and gave the lamest answers. I have to say with sheer disappointment that it was quite boring. They are the perfect cast for the story/movie and great actors but very disappointing in person in my opinion.
The guy playing 'Jasper' though was actually very funny and cool and quite good looking. That was a pleasant surprise. I will see the movie of course but remain a huge fan of the BOOKS.

After the twilight panel we stayed in the room to watch the next panel since we had waited almost 6 hours to get in here! The room is very self contained with its own bathrooms and a lobby area to purchase drinks and snacks. So you can spend a whole day in there if you like watching panel after panel and moving to front seats as you go along. Once you leave though you have to get back in line to get in and the line is always very very long!
The Disney panel was hilarious! A gigantic jump in the level of quality and intelligence. They hired comedian Chris Hardwick to conduct the interviews and he was brilliant. We were laughing quite hard.
Guests were: Imaginative director of Frankenweenie, Tim Burton, upcoming Oz The Great and Powerful director Sam Raimi ("Spider-Man" trilogy); and the illustrious voice cast of Walt Disney Animation Studios' Wreck-It Ralph, including John C. Reilly and Sarah Silverman and director Rich Moore ("Futurama"). 

And then we got out to join the real world and did a bit more sight seeing in the main exhibit halls:

E.L. James (Author of the famous 50 Shades of Gray trilogy at her book signing!

My cousin did her own sight seeing and took quite a few photos herself...


  1. Thank you for this post! It lets us live vicariously through your pictures. How exciting!

  2. looks like it was fun!!


  3. what an awesome event! I'd love to go one day!

  4. Great blog! very entertaining. Cool pictures and you look so cute in that starwars t and neon pink jeans!! next year I want to come and we will have Neal watch them:) at least for one day. Sedef looks very funny as always being her ownself:)

  5. Oh wow, looks like you had an amazing time! What a great experience, thanks for sharing!


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