
Friday, August 24, 2012

Squeeze the day

 Today's outfit was inspired by JCrew's past spring catalog:

I liked the unusual rose pink and orange combo and was able to re-create with the stuff I own:

Tied the scarf as a belt in the big bow shaped like my inspiration photo...

The satin peep toe's from H&M's conscious collection last year or was it 2 years ago?

Blouse and Cardigan - Gap
Shorts & Scarf & necklace - Forever 21
Purse - Target
Shoes - H&M

Did a major Costco shopping this morning. With two kids perched up on the increasingly getting heavy cart it was so hard to see in front of me but thank goodness everyone was so understanding. Actually they all looked at me with pity. The kids think we go to Costco to sample food. My son is constantly on the look out for the sample carts and won't let me miss a single one. And as our tradition we had lunch in their food court. Just getting drinks and ketchup on the hot dogs with the kids in a very crowded food court is a complete adventure. After the big hurdle of loading everything up in the car came the unloading when we got home. I created this 'muscle madness' game where we competed and raced as to who can carry the heaviest items back in the house. They were actually great help (for a change)!

In the afternoon took my daughter to a free demo ballet class then met up with my cousins and after a frustrating hassle of getting lost finally got my son to his first soccer practice where my friend is the coach and hubby is the assistant coach.  He loved it.


  1. like your color outfit :)
    Oh ya , I have newest post in my blog and I hope you'll be happy after check out my blog :)
    maybe follow each other ?! :D I'll follow back you if you follow me to :)

  2. What an unexpected and pretty color-combination. And the shoes are cuter than a kitty.

  3. Little girls in tutus kill me :-)

  4. Lovely! I especially love the shoes. :)

    Your little ballerina and soccer player are darling! :)

  5. your kiddies are just too darn cute!

    As for the fashions...I think I like yours better than the catalog! The color combo is great:)
    Happy weekend.


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